Wednesday, 18 January 2012

dawate islami follower of dajjjal false propganda false hadees

خبیث دیو گندیوں کا ایک خبیثانہ اعتراض اور اسکا جواب




Auzu Billahi Mina Al-Wahhabi Shaytani Rajeem

look any learnt men's prayer at a grave..start with "ALLAHUMMA" whi
ch means, "Oh Allah"
you guys are misguided by Sura Al Kahf
Prophet said, in the end of the times Dajjal (anti Christ) make Fitnah among Muslims. The army of Anti-Christ among muslims, known as Wahhabis, will make confusion among Muslims. they accuse Muslims in as grave worshippers and they will destroy the tomb of pious men.
Prophet said to read al Kahf in the time of Dajja's fitnah.
the biggest Fitnah of Dajjal is, that Dajjal confuse your deen. They call you mushrik and grave worshipper.
So as Prophet advice us to read Sura Al Kahf, what Sura Al Kahf says about praying at grave and building prayer hall on near grave?
Al Kahf-Verse
21. Thus
did We make their case known to the people, that they might
know that the promise of Allah is true,

and that there can be no doubt about the Hour of Judgment.
Behold they dispute among themselves as to their affair
(Some) said, "Construct a building over them":
their Lord knows best about them:

those who prevailed over their affair said, "Let us surely build a
place of worship over them."
Yes, those who prevailed (acted best-in Ihsan) said,let us build a Masjid over them.

ALLAH mentions this, later Prophet allowed visiting and praying and grave.

Wahhabi shaytans, Suira Al Kahf verse is a clear proof against you that, you are the people of Dajjal, who attack Muslims and make confusion among Muslims in the matter of praying at grave. you call Muslims as mushirk, you black mail Muslims. So they forcefully believe in you and you lead them to Hell.
As Prophet said, Dajjal come with heaven and hell, the heaven in fact will be hell and hell will be heaven.
The real meaning of this hadith is the ideology Dajjal bring and brain wash people and make them following it.
In fact Sufi Tarika are there even the time of Salaf. They were Madhab following Sufs. But Wahhabism began in 19th 20th century and this Hadith are clearn proof about Wahhabi-Qadiyani Islamic sects.

Verse 21 clearly says who are ahlu Sunnah walJamah, and Wahhabis who preach against the methods of ahlu sunnah wal jamah and calling us Mushrik and grave worshipper.
ALLAH Clearly mention in this in the chapter-Al Kahf, which Prophet advised us to read to understand the tricks of Dajjal and not to fall in his trap.

What Prophet (peace be up on him) saying about Wahahbis?:

Who are Wahhabis? I mean the so called SALAFIS of 19-20 and 21st century predecessors of Khwarijites!!!?
Read from hadith and compare with Contemporary and Modern world History.
Answer is with in your hands!!!
The Prophet (SAW) said: "What I fear most for you, is a man who reads the Qur'an until such time when the blessing of Qur'an is reflected on him and he takes Islam as his Cloak ... he then turns around and strips himself off from Islam and then tosses it away behind his back, then he heads quickly towards his neighbour with his sword unsheathed and he calls him a 'Mushrik'"
I said: "O, Prophet of Allah! Who is more worthy of being called a Mushrik the one being attacked or the attacker". He replied, "It is indeed the attacker."

(Hadith narrated by "Abu-Yaa'li" on the authority of "Huzaifah)

Prophet's Strong Faith on Muslims that they do not commit Shirk:
Prophet saying:

ن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خرج يوما فصلى على أهل أحد صلاته على الميت ث
م انصرف إلى المنبر فقال إني فرط لكم وأنا شهيد عليكم وإني والله لأنظر إلى حوضي الآن وإني أعطيت مفاتيح خزائن الأرض أو مفاتيح الأرض وإني والله ما أخاف عليكم أن تشركوا بعدي ولكن أخاف عليكم أن تنافسوا فيها


Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: One day the Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud and then went up the pulpit and said, "I will pave the way for you as your predecessor and will be a witness on you. By Allah! I see my Fount (Kauthar) just now and I have been given the keys of all the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth) "BY ALLAH! I AM NOT AFRAID THAT YOU WILL WORSHIP OTHERS ALONG WITH ALLAH AFTER MY DEATH, BUT I AM AFRAID THAT YOU WILL FIGHT WITH ONE ANOTHER FOR THE WORLDLY THINGS"
Volume 2, Book 23, Number 428: (Sahih Bukhari.

Monday, 5 December 2011



001. Neither we accept such Lord nor do we accept the Prophet of such Lord whose Caliph is Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#278 - Published Iran]

002. None of the Prophets (a.s) had been bestowed with the Prophet Hood until He declared His belief in the fallacy character of ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#265 - Published Iran]

003. Disclaimer to the doctrines that fate, benediction and vice belong to ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#293 - Published Iran]

004. The fourteen innocents (Ma'sumeen) are incomparable and unprecedented like ALLAH. (Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#2 - Published Lahore]

005. There is no difference between ALLAH and Ali (r.a) such as in the virtues for; The master of Khatim-e-Suleman, The Master of Doomsday, The master of Siraat (The Bridge over Hell) and Renaissance Field, The Creator of leaves on the trees, The one who ripens the fruits, The one who continued fountains, The one who made drift in the canals (Na'uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

006. To call ALLAH Omnipresent and Omniscient is against faith (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

007. Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his descendants are omnipresent and omniscient, and it is only theirs quality, not of ALLAH’s (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

008. ALLAH when talks about blessings, does so in Persian and when talks about persecution does so in Arabic (Na’uzubillah). [Tareekh-e-Islam, Pg#163 – Published Lahore]

009. Shiite confession of faith “LA ILAHA IL-ALLAH-U MUHAMMAD-UR RASOOL-ULLAH ALI-UN WALI-ULLAH WASI-U RASOOL-ULLAH WA KHALIFA-TU BILA FASL” (Na’uzubillah). [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#10 – Published Lahore]

010. Wherever Quran referred the word “RABB”, it meant as Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#66 – Published Lahore]

011. Original Quran will not come into view till the manifestation of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#360 - Published Iran]

012. Collectors of Quran eliminated virtues of Prophet’s progeny from Surah Al-Ahzab which was about to the length of Surah Al-Bakrah (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#66 - Published Iran]

013. Usman (r.a) made alteration in Surah Al-Rehman by eliminating words “MINKUM” (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#525 - Published Iran]

014. Quran has been purposely altered by the drunkard Caliphs {Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a)}; The present Quran is false; It’s the duty of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) to bring it in its original form; When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12thImam) will come, then the Quran will be recited in its original form (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#12, Pg#384 – Published India]

015. “ILAA AJALIN-MUSAMMA” has been removed from the Quran (Na’uzubillah). [Muta’h Aur Salahuddin A’ybi, Pg#60 – Published Karachi]

016. Quranic verses were not arranged by Abu-Bakr (r.a) in the same order as that in which it was revealed {hence Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran and present day Quran is incorrect} (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#134 – Published Karachi]

017. After the death of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) original Quran was in the possession of Ali (r.a) which he brought before Abu-Bakr (r.a) but He refused to prevail such version that is why Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#138 – Published Karachi]

018. To provide reasoning to “WATI-FIL-DUBR” changes were made in the Quranic comprehension (Na’uzubillah). [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#415 – Published Iran]

019. The present (false) Quran doesn’t mentions the name of “Pakistan” however  ours (SHIAs) true Quran even have the name of “Pakistan” (Na’uzubillah). [Hazar Tumhari Das Hamari, Pg#554 – Published Karachi]

020. Shiites scholars believe that Ali (r.a) and all his innocent patriarchs are superior to all Prophets (a.s) except Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#70 - Published Iran]

021. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will come out of his cave he will be naked like a newborn and the first person who shall take the oath of allegiance on his hands will be the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

022. The greatest slander upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) of sexual intercourse… (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#119 – Published Iran]

023. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) used to perform Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#118 – Published Iran]

024. On the night of consummation of marriage of Ali (r.a) and Fatima (r.a), Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) instructed them not to start their work (sexual intercourse) until He arrives their (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#1, Pg#251 – Published Multan]

025. Ali (r.a) and other Ahlul Bayt (r.a) are equal in the rank with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and are superior to all other Prophets (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

026. After ALLAH and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) only Holy Descendants (r.a) reached the height of saintliness, rest all other Prophets (a.s) and Angels (a.s) lie below their ranks (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#29 – Published Lahore]

027. Jibrael (Gabriel) used to talk with Fatima (r.a) {after the death of Muhammad (s.a.w.w)} (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#1, Pg#198 – Published Multan]

028. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his Holy Descendants (r.a) are not the offspring of Adam (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

029. Adam (a.s)’s prayers were accepted on the mediation of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Ali (r.a), Fatima (r.a), Hasan (r.a) and Hussain (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

030. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) had some purpose to acquiesce Usman (r.a) with Himself otherwise that man was of no use to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#129 – Published Karachi]

031. Adam (a.s) became Infidel due to His jealousy(Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#428 - Published Iran]

032. Ali (r.a) possesses same rights as were kept by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#380 - Published Iran]

033. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) taught Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) to Abu-Zar Ghaffari (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#92 – Published Karachi]

034. The rank of Imams (12 Imams) is higher than every Prophet (a.s) and every Angel (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Hakumat-e-Islamiah, Pg#52 – Published Iran]

035. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s house was like that of dirge player’s house (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

036. What was the compulsion on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) that He used to do intercourse with Ayesha (r.a) during her menses? (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

037. What the lady “Zulekhah”, Ayesha (r.a) had got that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) despite having coeval wives or other young ladies, married with a nine years old little mother at His age of fifty (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

038. Slander to Ali (r.a) to declare rape as a dogmatic matrimonial (Na’uzubillah). [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#467 – Published Iran]

039. One who does not consider Ali (r.a) as the first Caliph (successor) is an apostate (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#264 - Published Iran]

040. To marry Umm-e-Kulsoom (r.a) with Umar (r.a) was a subterfuge on the part of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81-82 - Published Iran]

041. Penis proclaimed the Imamate (patriarchate) of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Aasar-e-Haidery, Pg#557 – Published Lahore]

042. When the last era will come, Ali (r.a) will appear(Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#603 - Published Lahore]

043. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a cattle who will arise from earth before the Doomsday) (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#602 - Published Lahore]

044. Ayesha (r.a) was an American Lady or any European Madam? (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

045. Hafsa (r.a), a bad natured woman, was accepted by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)… She was a pig-faced woman (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#124 – Published Lahore]

046. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a four-legged animal) (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#336 - Published Iran]

047. When Imam Mehdi will appear, he will first dig out Ayesha (r.a) from Her grave and will reprehend her (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

048. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) who gave poison to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#700 – Published Iran]

049. Ayesha (r.a) and Shiites Imam performed Muta’h (a form of temporary marriage regarded as illegitimate in Islam) (Na’uzubillah). [Jawaz-e-Muta’h, Pg#78 – Published Bhakkar]

050. Jealousy, hatred and resentment were the attributes of Ayesha (r.a)’s nature (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#40]

051. Ayesha (r.a) use to misbehave, oppose, talk louder, babble and slander on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#70]

052. The youth of this misfortune {Ayesha (r.a)} would have spoil the old age of Mua’zzamah (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#88]
053. Ayesha (r.a) used to babble and fight with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#53]

054. On not arriving of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Ayesha (r.a) suffered with the fits of madness and passion (Na’uzubillah). [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#54]

055. After the death when Angels of grave start questioning then Maula’s {Ali (r.a)} chair is being brought and sins are pardoned only after recognizing him (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

056. Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) & Umar (r.a)}, Hafsa (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) gave poison to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#28, Pg#894 – Published India]

057. Ayesha (r.a) for the first time initiated the war customs (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#275 – Published Karachi]

058. Ayesha (r.a) was a malicious and short-tempered woman (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#289 – Published Karachi]

059. Abu-Moosa Asha’ri (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) had become apostate by narrating forged Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#475 – Published Karachi]

060. Ayesha (r.a) used to say that kill the Na’sal {Usman (r.a)} because he has become a Infidel (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#Preface – Published Karachi]

061. Ayesha (r.a)’s heart was blacked-out (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#30 – Published Karachi]

062. Ayesha (r.a) had such an opposition with Usman (r.a) that she ordered for his murder (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#31 – Published Karachi]

063. Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) played a cunning game like fox upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#69 – Published Lahore]

064. O Sunnis! Is Ayesha (r.a) a woman or a female monkey? (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#67 – Published Lahore]

065. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will resurrect Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a)} and punish them by hanging on the tree (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#361 - Published Iran]

066. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear, before other nonbelievers, he will kill Ahl-e-Sunnah and Ahl-e-Sunnah scholars (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#527 - Published Iran]

067. Imams used to say Salam to each other while taking bath (Na’uzubillah). [Hulya-tul-Muttaqeen, Pg#118 - Published Iran]

068. Imams are not born through the womb of their mothers but they are born from the sides of their mothers (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#474 – Published Lahore]

069. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) recited Holy Quran and called Salam in the womb of his mother (Na’uzubillah). [Jila-ul-A’yoon, Vol#2, Pg#475 – Published Lahore]

070. Imams are also innocent like the Prophets (a.s) (Na’uzubillah). [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#28 – Published Lahore]

071. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba was the first who declared the faith in Imamat and that Ali (r.a) is the true God (Na’uzubillah).[Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#234 - Published Iran]

072. We (Imams) among ALLAH’s creatures are His eyes and among His servants (human being) the people of command (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#260 - Published Iran]

073. In the early Islamic period due to Taqiyyah (subterfuge), Shiites scholars used to hide the Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#92 - Published Iran]

074. To weep on the vulnerability of Imams and to hide the secrets is like Holy crusade (Jihad) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#283 - Published Iran]

075. World cannot exist without Imam (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#233 - Published Iran]

076. Imams know all what happened earlier and what is about to happen and nothing remains hidden to them (Na’uzubillah).[Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#10 - Published Iran]

077. Without knowing the Imam, God cannot be proved (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#331 - Published Iran]

078. Imam knows the time of his death and dies by his own will (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#23 - Published Iran]

079. Imam has greater qualities than the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#299-300 - Published Iran]

080. Imams are equal in the status with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#287 - Published Iran]

081. Imam get revelations (WAHI by ALLAH) (Na’uzubillah).[Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#329-330 - Published Iran]

082. In the state of Taqiyyah (subterfuge) whatever Imam says just obey him and act accordingly (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#72 - Published Iran]

083. The Angels reveal upon Imams in the Shab-e-Qadr (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#569 - Published Lahore]

084. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear there will be only forty perfect believers (Mo’min) in the world (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#571 - Published Lahore]

085. All Angels, Jibrail (a.s) {Gabriel (a.s)} and Mikail (a.s) will take the oath of allegiance upon Imam Mehdi’s (SHIAs 12thImam) hand (Na’uzubillah). [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#594 - Published Lahore]

086. After Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s death all his disciples except four became apostate (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81 - Published Iran]

087. Umar (r.a) told to Satan that he had invaded the Caliphate of Ali (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#82 - Published Iran]

088. Ali (r.a) imprecated Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) to ruin in life and thereafter (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#189 - Published Iran]

089. The first three Caliphs (r.a) and other Sahabah (r.a) became apostate due to the denial of Ali (r.a)’s prophecy (Na’uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#184 - Published Iran]

090. Mua’wiyah (r.a) can be associated with whole vice (Na’uzubillah). [Ay As As, Pg#35 – Published Karachi]

091. Sahabah (r.a) brought disgrace upon Islam in Uhad War (Na’uzubillah). [Ay As As, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

092. Ja’far Sadiq (r.t.a) never stood up from the prayer mat unless he had not sent curse upon Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua’wiyah (r.a), Ayesha (r.a), Hafsa (r.a), Hind (r.a) and Umm-ul-Hakm (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [A’yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#599 – Published Iran]

093. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), except three all the Sahabah (r.a) have become apostate (Na’uzubillah). [A’yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#3 – Published Iran]

094. The first after Satan who had accepted his religion is Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#18 – Published Lahore]

095. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was of the same belief which was founded by Satan (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#22 – Published Lahore]

096. We have only La’nat (curse) and Tabbarah (imprecation) for Abu-Hurairah (r.a) like narrators (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

097. Mua’wiyah (r.a) was a disgraced character (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#65 – Published Lahore]

098. Mua’wiyah (r.a) and Abu-Hurairah (r.a) were infidels and apostates (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#79 – Published Lahore]

099. Sahabah (r.a)’s testimonial cannot save them from imprecation (Na’uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#32 – Published Lahore]

100. Sahabah (r.a) were not blessed according to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s Hadiths (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#68 – Published Karachi]

101. Some Sahabah (r.a) performed evil deeds; they did the acts of stealing, rape and telling a lie (Na’uzubillah). [Char Yaar, Pg#64 – Published Karachi]

102. Ayesha (r.a) use to compare Usman (r.a) with a Jew named Na’sal and say that he should be killed (Na’uzubillah).[Chouda Sitaray, Pg#584 - Published Lahore]

103. The caliphate of first three caliphs is like the penis of donkey (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#72 – Published Lahore]

104. Sahabah (r.a) made innovations in the religion after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), cut Islam into pieces and minced the Shari’ah (Islamic Jurisprudence) (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

105. Sodomy was very common among various Sahabah (r.a); for e.g. Waleed bin Mugha’irah, Umar (r.a)… (Na’uzubillah). [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

106. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a) will enter into hell through a special door (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#500 - Published Iran]

107. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a) and Mua’wiyah will be persecuted severely than other hellish people (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#503 - Published Iran]

108. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua’wiyah (r.a), Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) are the worst creatures (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#519 - Published Iran]

109. Abbas (r.a) and Aqeel (r.a) were weak believers and men of mean spirit (Na’uzubillah). [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#618 – Published Iran]

110. There is no difference in the faith of Abu-Bakar and in the faith of Satan (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#93 – Published Lahore]

111. Abu-Hurairah (r.a) was the greatest liar who associated false Hadiths to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#442 – Published Lahore]

112. Mua’wiyah (r.a) was apostate, the greatest non believer and a corrupt man (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

113. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was a puppet in the hands of Umar (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

114. Mua’wiyah (r.a) is being burnt inside a coffin beneath the interior most part of the hell and if Pharaoh (Firo’un) would have not said “INNA RABBI-KUM-UL-A’LA” there would be no one below Mua’wiyah (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#316 – Published Lahore]

115. Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s mother and granny were prostitutes (Na’uzubillah). [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#301 – Published Lahore]

116. Usman (r.a) protested against Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and disobeyed him (Na’uzubillah). [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#30, Pg#934 – Published India]

117. Quran does not show the superiority of Abu-Bakr (r.a) but the infidelity of Abu-Bakr (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Manazarah Hussainiyah, Pg#47 – Published Lahore]

118. Zubair bin Al-Awam (r.a) is the breed of Muta’h (temporary marriage illegitimate according to Islam) (Na’uzubillah). [Muta’h Aur Salahuddin A’ybi, Pg#24 – Published Karachi]

119. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cunning person (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#339 – Published Karachi]

120. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) made naked himself… (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

121. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a liar and a miser (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#147 – Published Karachi]

122. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a)’s mother was a big liar. [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#146 – Published Karachi]

123. Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cheater. [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#245 – Published Karachi]

124. Abu-Moosa Asha’ri and Umr’o bin Al-Aas (r.a) were hypocrites and traitors (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#474 – Published Karachi]

125. The history of the first three Caliphs was full of ignorance, stupidity, brutality, bribery and sinfulness (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#252 – Published Karachi]

126. How unfortunate are these Talha (r.a), Zubair (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a)! (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

127. Mua’wiyah used to feign and wile (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#421 – Published Karachi]

128. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) himself passed the orders of Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s murder (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

129. Mua’wiyah (r.a)’s all army men were foul-natured, bastards, wile and non-believers (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#473 – Published Karachi]

130. Mugha’irah bin Shaiba (r.a) himself and his father were hypocrites and imps (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#775 – Published Karachi]

131. Mugha’irah bin Shaiba (r.a) was very unfortunate in faith and Islam and he left this world in the same state (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#258 – Published Karachi]

132. Rural-ship of a villager is better than the piety of Sahabah (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#432 – Published Karachi]

133. Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) were seditious, vicious and dissentious persons who could commit any crime for wealth and power (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#443 – Published Karachi]

134. Among a few extremely remorseful and shameful characters of the world, one is of Zubair (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Nehj-ul-Bala’gah, Pg#48 – Published Karachi]

135. Usman (r.a) reaped whatever he sew (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

136. Usman (r.a)’s mother was a prostitute (Na’uzubillah). [Na’sal Ko Qatal Kar Do, Pg#18 – Published Karachi]

137. I dare say that today’s Iranic Nation is far better than the people of Hijaz (Sahabah) in Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s era (Na’uzubillah). [Sahifah-e-Inqalab {Khomeini’s last will and testament}, Pg#46]

138. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was habitual of using foul-mouth and giving abuses (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

139. Abu-Bakr (r.a) used to abuse very often (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

140. Abu-Bakr (r.a) had no religious status (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#8 – Published Karachi]

141. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was like Halaku and Changez (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#10 – Published Karachi]

142. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was only curious about the money in his Caliphate (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#142 – Published Karachi]

143. Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a) were culpable and unforgiving (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#159 – Published Karachi]

144. Mua’wiyah (r.a) killed Ayesha (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#32 – Published Karachi]

145. Umar (r.a) not even liked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and His daughter (Na’uzubillah). [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#94 – Published Karachi]

146. Starting from the day first, Umar (r.a) is responsible for the hostilities and blood-shedding among the Muslims (Na’uzubillah). [Waqi’a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

147. Umar (r.a) passed humiliating sentences upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)’s sayings (Na’uzubillah). [Waqi’a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#67 – Published Karachi]

148. Abbas (r.a)’s false allegations upon Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a) (Na’uzubillah). [Wohi Mujrim Wohi Munsif, Pg#75]

149. Umar (r.a) was sent to Hell on 9th Rab’i-ul-Awwal (Na’uzubillah). [Zaad-ul-Mua’d, Pg#404 – Published Iran]

150. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Umar (r.a); Mua’wiyah (r.a) was sent to Hell on 22nd Rajab so this day must be celebrated (with Koondas) (Na’uzubillah). [Zaad-ul-Mua’d, Pg#34 – Published Iran]

151. Last diet of Umar (r.a)’s was Vine (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#241 – Published Lahore]

152. Umar (r.a) belonged to such family in which mothers and sisters are made as wives (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

153. Umar (r.a) is the lock of Hell, it was better if he would be the gate (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#430 – Published Lahore]

154. Umar (r.a) and Waleed Bin Mugha’irah (r.a) were she-gay (Na’uzubillah). [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#246 – Published Lahore]

155. Nikkah is valid without the witnesses. [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#387 – Published Iran]

156. Quran can be recited in toilet (Na’uzubillah). [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#502 – Published Iran]

157. By hiding the private parts with only hand, Sattr can be achieved. [Fir’o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#501 – Published Iran]

158. What so ever the Ahl-e-Sunnah scholar tells about some query, to do its opposite is SHIA religion. [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#55 - Published Iran]

159. According to SHIA scholars, Ahl-e-Sunnah are worse and dirtiest infidels than the Jews or Christians or Majoos (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#306 - Published Iran]

160. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the true religion. [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#332 - Published Iran]

161. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the part of belief. [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#328 - Published Iran]

162. By not reciting “ALI-UN-WALI-ULLAH”, Ahl-e-Sunnah are not Mo’min (Na'uzubillah). [Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#13 – Published Lahore]

163. ALLAH produces 70 Angels from the couple who perform Muta’h which keep on praying for them (Na'uzubillah).[Chara’gh-e-Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

164. Ahl-e-Sunnah (Nasibi) are worse than dog in front of ALLAH (Na’uzubillah). [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#516 - Published Iran]

165. Black dress is the dress of people of Hell (Na’uzubillah). [Hulya-tul-Muttaqeen, Pg#8 - Published Iran]

166. Leavings of Ahl-e-Sunnah’s are as Haram then any other Non-Muslim. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#8  - Published Iran]

167. Niece and Aunts can remain in Nikkah at a time. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#260  - Published Iran]

168. Donkey’s flesh is Halal. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#213  - Published Iran]

169. Black dress is the dress of Firo’un. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#163  - Published Iran]

170. No witness is required in the Nikkah as GOD Himself is. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#4 ,Pg#251  - Published Iran]

171. Present Azaan is correct, curse be upon Mafoodha who innovated “ALI-UN-WALI-ULLAH” in Azaan. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#188  - Published Iran]

172. There is no right for Ahl-e-Sunnah in Islam so Nikkah with them is also Haram. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#3 ,Pg#258  - Published Iran]

173. Istinja (washing of private parts) with Saliva is legitimate. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah), Vol#1 ,Pg#41  - Published Iran]

174. Announcement of SHIA Kalimah; reciting “LA-ILAHA-ILL-ALLAHU-MUHAMMAD-UR-RASOOL-ULLAH” is not the sign of Iman. [Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Pg#3 – Published Lahore]

175. Neither Fasting is spoiled nor Bath (Ghusl) is subjected by doing un-natural things with a women. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#460 – Published Iran]

176. Own female servant can be given to someone temporarily for Muta’h practices. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#244 – Published Iran]

177. Muta’h can also be done with Non-Muslims. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#256 – Published Iran]

178. A man can even take benefit (by doing Muta’h) from a woman for about an hour or so. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#266 – Published Iran]

179. Muta’h (illegitimate temporary marriage) has no accountability; it can be done with 1000 even. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#258-259 – Published Iran]

180. Imams use to order openly for Muta’h. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#253 – Published Iran]

181. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#302 – Published Iran]

182. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate and their slaughtered animals are also Haram. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#303 – Published Iran]

183. Muta’h (illegitimate temporary marriage) is legitimate even for the sake of a piece of wood. [Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#267 – Published Iran]

184. MEHRAM male and female can see each other’s body. [Tohfa Namaz Ja’fariyah, Pg#292 – Published Lahore]

Shahadat e Imam Hussain

Shahadat e Imam Hussain

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Wahab bin Zam'ah bayan karty hain k Hazrat umme Salamah (Radi ALLAH Ta'ala Anha) nain mujhy btaya k HUZUR AKRAM (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) ek raat ko sonay k liay araam farma huay to (Thori dayr bad) baydaar ho gaay jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) paryshaan (say lag rahy) thy. Phir (Dubara) layty aur baghair soay (thori dair) layty rahy aur baydaar ho gaay jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) paryshan thy laykin itny paryshan nahi thy jitnay main nain pehli martaba dykhy thy. Phir Layt gaay aur phir uth bythy jab k AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) k dast e Aqdas (hath mubarak) main surkh (red) matti thi jisy AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALIHE WASALLAM) ulat palat rahy rhy. To main nain Arz kiya:

YA RUSUL ALLAH, Yeh kysi matti hy?

"Mujhy Jibra'il ('Alaihis Salam) nain btaya hay k yeh (mera bayta Husain) Arz e Iraq (Iraq ki sar zameen) par Shaheed kiya jaay ga." 
Main nain Jibra'il ('Alaihis Salam) say kaha:
"Mujhy wo matti dikhao jahan usy shaheed kiya jaat ga. To yeh (mere Hath main) wo matti hy."

References :

From : Haakim
Book : Mustadrak
Volume : 4
Page : 440
Hadith number : 8202

From : Tabrani
Book : Ma'jam Al Kabeer
Volume : 3
Page : 109
Hadith number : 2821

From : Tabrani
Book : Ma'jam Al Kabeer
Volume : 23
Page : 308
Hadith number : 697

From : Shaybaani
Book : Al Ahaad Wal Mathaani
Volume : 1
Page : 310
Hadith number : 429

From : Zahabi
Book : Sayyir A'laam An Nubala
Volume : 3
Page : 289

Imam Haakim nain farmaya:
"yeh Hadith Bukhari aur Muslim ki shart par Sahi hy."

Imam Zahabi nain farmaya:
"Yeh hadith Bukhari aur Muslim ki shart par Sahi hy."



Hadith number 1

Hazrat Umer (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) say rawyat hy k

"HUZUR AKRAM (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) ek rooz hamary darmayan qayaam farma huay aur AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) nain makhulaqaat ki ibtidia say lay kar jannaitiyun k jannat main daakhil ho jaany aur doozakhiyun k doozakh main Daakhil ho jaany tak hamain sab kuch bta diya. Jis nain usy yad rkham Yad rkha aur usy bhul gaya so bhul gaya."
Narrated by Sayyedinah 'Umar (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) that

"One day the Prophet (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) stood up amongst us for a long period and informed us about the beginning of creation till he mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the people of Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said, and some forgot it."

From : Bukhari As Saheeh (Printed in 1981 Beirut, Lebanon)
Book : Bada Al Khalq
Page : 1166
volume : 3
Hadith number : 3020
Hadith number 2

Hazrat 'Amar Bin Akhtab Ansaari (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) farmaty hain k

"HUZUR (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) nain fajar ki namaz main hamari Imamat farmai aur mimber par jalwa afrooz huay aur hamain khitaab farmaya Yahan tak k zohar ka waqt ho gaya.
Phir AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) neechy tashreef lay aay aur Namaaz parhai. Phir us k bad Dubara mimber par tashreef farma huay aur hamain khitab farmay Yahan tak k Asar ka waqt ho gaya.
Phir mumber say neechy tashreef laay aur namaz parhai phir mumber par tashreef lay gaay yahan tak k Sooraj doob gaya.
Pas ! AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) nain hamain har us baat ki khabar daydi jo jo aj tak ho chuki thi aur jo qayamat tak honay wali thi.
Hazrat 'Amar Bin Akhtab (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) farmaty hain k hum main zyada janny wala wohi hay jo hum main say say zyada hafzay wala tha."
Abu Zaid (viz. Amr b. Akhtab Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) led us in the dawn prayer and then mounted the pulpit and addressed us until it was (time for the) noon prayer.
He then came down the pulpit and observed prayer and then again mounted the pulpit and again addressed us until it was time for the 'Asr prayer.
He then again came down and observed the prayer and again mointed the pulpit and addressed us until the sun was set and he informed (about) everything (pertaining to turmoil) that lay hidden in the past and what lies in (the womb) of) the future and the most learned amongst us is one who remembers them well.

From : Muslim
Book : Al Fitan
Chapter : Qayamat tak paish any waly Fitnon k bary main AAP SAW ka khabar dayna
Volume : 4
Hadith number : 2892

From : Ibn e Habban
Book : As Saheeh
Page : 9
Volume : 15
Hadith number : 6638

From : Haakim
Book : Al Mustadrak
Volume : 4
Page : 533
Hadith number : 8498

From : Abu Y'ala
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 12
page : 237
Hadith number : 2844

From : Tabrani
Book : M'jam Al kabeer
Volume : 17
page : 46
Hadith number 3

Hazrat Huzaifah (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) farmaty hain k

"HUZUR (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) nain mujhy qayamat tak roonuma honay wali har baat bata di aur koi aysi baat na rahi jisy main nain AAP (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) say poocha na ho. Albatta main nain yeh na pucha k Ahl-e-Madinah ko konsi cheez madeenah say nikaly gi?"
Sayyedina Huzaifah (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) informed me of what is going to happen before the approach of the Last Hour.
And there is nothing that I did not ask him in this connection except this that I did not ask him as to what would turn the people of Medina out from Medina.

From : Muslim
Book : Al Fitan wa ashraat As Sa'ahChapter
Chapter : Qayamat tak paish any waly Fitnon k bary main AAP SAW ka khabar dayna
Volume : 4
Page : 2217
Hadith number : 2891

From : Ahmad Bin Hambal
Book : Al Mustadrak
Volume : 5
page : 386
Hadith number : 23329

From : Haakim
Book : Al Mustadrak
Volume : 4
Page : 472
Hadith number : 8311

Hadith number 4

1. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) farmaty hain k
"Mera rab mere pas (Apni shaan k laeq) nihayat haseen sorat main aya aur farmaya:
main nain arz kiya :
"Mere parwardigar ! main haazir hon, bar bar hazir hon."
Farmaya : Aalam-e-Bala k farishty kis baat main jhagarty hain?
main nain arz kiya :
"Ay mere parwardigar ! main nahi janta."
Pas ! ALLAH TA'ALA nain apna dast-e-Qudrat mere dono kandhoon (shoulders) k darmayan rkha aur main nain apny seenay main uski thandak mehsoos ki.
Aur main wo sab kuch jaan gaya jo uch Mashriq-O-Maghrib k darmyan hay."

From : Tirmidhi And Abu Y'ala
Imam Tirmidhi nain farmaya:
"Yeh hadith Hassan hay."

Hazrat Ma'az Bin Jabal (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) say marwi rawayat k akhir main yeh alfaaz hain.

"Aur Mujh par Har cheez ki haqeeqat zaahir kar di gai jis say main nain (sab kuch) jaan liya."

From : Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Tabrani
Imam Tirmidhi nain farmaya:
"Yeh Hadeeth Hassan sahih hay."

Is Hadees k bad main Imam Tirmidhi farmaty hain k mana Is hadeeth k bary Imam Bukhari say pucha to unhoun nain farmaya k yeh Hadeeth Hassan Sahi hay."

3. Hazrat Abu Amamah (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) say marwi rawayat k akhir main yeh alfaaz hain.

"Pas mujh say duniya aur akhirat k bary main kiay jaany waly sawalaat k jawabaat main nain usi muqaam par jaan liay."

From : Tabrani and Ruyani
4. Ek aur rawayat k alfaaz hain k

"Aur main nain Duniya o akhirat ki har cheez ki haqeeqat jaan bhi li aur daykh bhi li."

From : Tabrani
5. Hazrat Jabir bin samrah (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) say marwi rawayat k akhir main yeh alfaaz hain.

"Pas us k baad kabhi aysa nahi hua k mujh say kisi cheez k mutalliq sawal kiya gaya ho aur main usy na janta hon."

From : Ibn e Abi Shaibah and Ibn e Abi 'Asim
Yeh hadees Hassan hay aur is k Rijaal thiqah hain.

From : Tirmidhi
Book : Tafseer Al Quran
Chapter : Sorat Saad
Hadith number : 3233-3235

From : Darimi
Book : As Sunan
Volume : 2
Page : 170
Hadith number : 2149

From : Ahmad Bin Hambal
Book : Al Musnad
Page/volume : 368/1 , 66/4 , 243/5

From : Tabrani
Book : M'ajam Al Kabeer
page/Volume : 290/8 , 109/20 , 141/20

From : Ruyani
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 1
page : 429
Hadith number : 656

From : Abu Y'ala
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 4
Page : 475
Hadith number : 2608

From : Ibn e Abu Shaibah
Book : Musannaf
Volume : 6
Page : 313
Hadith number : 31706

Hadith number 5

Hazrat Anas (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) say rawayat hay k

HUZUR SAW nain hazrat zaid, hazrat J'afar aur Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawahah (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhum) k mutalliqkhabar aany say pehly hi un k shaheed ho jaany k mutalliq loogun ko bata diya. Chunachy AAP SAW nain farmaya:

"Ab jhanda Zaid nain sambhala hua hy laykin wo shaheed ho gaay.
Ab J'afar nain jhanda sambhal liya hay aur wo bhi shaheed ho gaay.
Ab Ibne Rawahah nain jhanda sambhala hay aur wo bhi shaheed ho gaay."

Yeh farmaty huay AAP SAW ki chashmaan e Mubarak (eyes) Ansoun say bhari hui thin.
(Phir farmaya)
"yahan tak k ab ALLAH ki talwaaron main say ek talwaar (khalid bin waleed Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) nain jhanda sambhaal liya hay aur us k haathon ALLAH TA'ALA nain kafiron par (Muslmanon ko) Fatah ata farmai hy."
Sayyedina Anas (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) Narrated that:

The Prophet had informed the people of the martyrdom of Zaid, Ja'far and Ibn Rawaha (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhum) before the news of their death reached.
The Prophet said,
"Zaid took the flag (as the commander of the army) and was martyred, then Ja'far took it and was martyred, and then Ibn Rawaha took it and was martyred."
At that time the Prophet's eyes were shedding tears.
He added, "Then the flag was taken by a Sword amongst the Swords of Allah (i.e. Khalid) and Allah made them (i.e. the Muslims) victorious."

From : Bukhari
Book : Al Maghazai
Chapter : Zameen e shaam main Ghazwa e mota
hadith number : 4014

From : Bukhari
Book : Al Janaiz
Volume : 1
page : 420
Hadith number : 1189

From : Bukhari
Book : Al Jihaad
Volume : 3
Page : 1030
Hadith number : 2645

From : Bukhari
Book : fadael e Sahaba
Chapter : Khalid bin Waleed k Manaqib
Hadith number : 3547

From : Nisai
Book : Sunan AL Kubra
Volume : 5
page : 180
Hadith number : 8604

From : Ahmad Bin Hambal
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 1
page : 204
Hadith number : 1750

From : Haakim
Book : Al Mustadrak
Volume : 3
page : 337
Hadith number : 5295

Hadith number 6

Hazrat Jabir bin Samura (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) bayan karty hain k main nain

“Muslmaano ki ya moomino ki ek jama’at zurur Aal-e-kisra (family of Kisra) k us khazany ko fatah kary gi jo Qasr-e-Abyad (white palace) main hay.”
Sayyedina Jabir bin Samura (Radi ALLAH TA'ALA anhu) reported:
I heard Allah's Messenger SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM (as saying that)

“There would lie open for a group of Muslims, or for a group of believers, the treasures of the family of Kisra which would be in the white (palace).”

From : Muslim
Book : Al Fitan wa Ashraat As Sa’ah
Volume : 4
page : 2237
hadith number : 2919

From : Ahmad Bin Hambal
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 5
Page : 89, 100
Hadith number : 20854 , 29083

From : Abu Y’ala
Book : Al Musnad
Volume : 13
Page : 441
hadith number : 7444

Yazeed Lanat ALLAH 'Alaih

Yazeed Lanat ALLAH 'Alaih

.."He heard the Prophet saying, 'Paradise is granted to the first batch of my followers who will undertake a naval expedition.' The Prophet then said, 'The first army amongst my followers who will invade Caesar's City will be forgiven their sins.'" (Sahih Bukhari volume 4 hadith 175)

Some people use this hadeeth of Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him to praise Yazid and label this hadeeth as hadeeth of Constantinople. Lets Discuss this hadeeth with historical events and character of Yazid.

‎1. The Word "constantinople" is not mentioned in Hadees !!
The Hadees is

.."He heard the Prophet saying, 'Paradise is granted to the first batch of my followers who will undertake a naval expedition.' The Prophet then said, 'The first army amongst my followers who will invade Caesar's City will be forgiven their sins.'" (Sahih Bukhari volume 4 hadith 175)

2. Firstly Yazid was not in the first army to wage war on ceaser's city as

Sahih hadith in Sunnan Abu Dawud states

عن أسلم أبي عمران قال : غزونا من المدينة نريد القسطنطينية وعلى الجماعة عبد الرحمن بن خالد بن الوليد

Translation: Aslam Abi Imran (ra) said: We went out on an expedition from Madina with the intent to attack Constantinople. Abd al-Rahman bin Khalid bin Walid was the leader of our group.

[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 2 Hadith # 2512, Albani declared it Sahih in his Takhrij]

‎3. Imam At-Tabri says in his Tarikh

فمما كان فيها من ذلك دخول المسلمين مع عبد الرحمن بن خالد بن الوليد بلاد الروم ومشتاهم بها وغزو

Translation: In (44 AH) The Muslims with Abdur Rahman bin Khalid bin Walid entered Rome and the Ghazwa took place

[Tarikh at-Tabri under events of 44 AH, Volume 005, Page No. 212: Published by Cairo: Dar al-Ma'arif] )

Whereas Yazid went way later i.e. in 49 or 50 AH.
Even later yazid was sent as a punishement and he mocked at Muslims warriors who had gone before.
‎4. Imam Ibn Al-Atheer (rah) writes:

في هذه السنة وقيل : سنة خمسين سير معاوية جيشًا كثيفًا إلى بلاد الروم للغزاة ، وجعل عليهم سفيان بن عوف ، وأَمَرَ ابنه يزيد بالغزاة معهم فتثاقل واعتلّ فأمسك عنه أبوه ، فأصاب الناس في غزاتهم جوعٌ ومرض شديد ، فأنشأ يزيد يقول :

ما إن أبالي بما لاقت جموعهم *** بالفرقدونة من حمى ومن موم

إذا اتكأت على الأنماط مرتفقًا *** بدير مروان عندي أم كلثومِ

فبلغ معاوية شعره، فأقسم عليه ليلحقنّ بسفيان في أرض الروم، ليصيبه ما أصاب الناس، فسار ومعه جمع كثير أضافهم إليه أبوه

Translation: In this year i.e. 49 AH or 50 AH, Muawiya (ra) sent a huge army towards Rome. He made Sufyan bin Awf (ra) as its commander and he ordered his son Yazid to go with them, however Yazid “ACTED TO HAVE BECOME SICK AND DENIED TO GO” When the warriors were struck with harsh hunger and diseases, Yazid (mockingly) said this poetry:
At Farqudwana immense wrath covered them, whether they had fever or whatever I don’t care because I am sitting on a high carpet and Umm ul Kulthum (one of his wives) is between my armpits.

When Ameer Muawiya (ra) heard these phrases he made Yazid to take an oath and join Sufyan bin Awf in Rome so that “HE COULD ALSO BE STRUCK BY THESE SAME DIFFICULTIES AS THE WARRIORS OF ISLAM HAD FACED (THIS WAS PUNISHEMENT TO YAZID)” Yazid became helpless and he had to go and Ameer Muawiya (ra) sent another army with him [Tarikh Ibn al Atheer, Volume No.3, Page No. 131]..

5. Imam Badr ud-din Ayni (rah) said:

قلت: الأظهر أن هؤلاء السادات من الصحابة كانوا مع سفيان هذا ولم يكونوا مع يزيد بن معاوية، لأنه لم يكن أهلاً أن يكون هؤلاء السادات في خدمته

Translation: I say that it is obvious that the great amount of sahaba went under the leadership of Sufyan bin Awf (ra) and “NOT WITH YAZID BIN MUAWIYA BECAUSE HE WAS NOT DESERVING OF LEADING THEM” [Umdat ul Qari, Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari 14/197-198]

Summary details about the armed expeditions:

► First attack on Caesar's city was in 42 hijri. Second attack was in 43 and "Hazrat Bosr ben ABI Arka was the leader of this army.
► Third attack was in 44 and this was led by Abdurehman ben Khalid ben Waleed. The next attack was in 46 hijri which was led by Maalik ben Abdurehman and Abdurehman ben Khalid ben Waleed.
► In 47, next attack was led by Maalik ben Hobaira and Abdurehman ben Qaiymi. In 49 hijri the rome was attacked for 3 times. andLastly yazid was in attack of 50 hijri.

Hazrat Amir Mawiya (RA) arrested Yazeed and sent him to ceasar because Yazeed was used to make fun of Mujahideen and as a punishment Yazeed was sent there not for Jihad

So Yazeed was in the seven'th attack, not in the first attack and in Bukhari Shareef it is mentioned that 'The first army amongst' my followers who will invade Caesar's City will be forgiven their sins.'

*Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Imam Ibne Kathir
*History Ibne Khaldon
*History Imam Ibne Atheer
1. Yazid's Attack on Madinah

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) says in his magnificent work of Tarikh under events of 63 AH

فقال ابن الزبير يا هؤلاء قتل أصحابكم فانا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
وقد أخطأ يزيد خطأ فاحشا فى قوله لمسلم بن عقبة أن يبيح المدينة ثلاثة أيام وهذا خطأ كبير فاحش مع ما انضم إلى ذلك من قتل خلق من الصحابة وأبنائهم وقد تقدم أنه قتل الحسين وأصحابه على يدى عبيد الله بن زياد وقد وقع فى هذه الثلاثة أيام من المفاسد العظيمة فى المدينة النبوية مالا يحد ولا يوصف مما لا يعلمه إلا الله عز وجل وقد أراد بارسال مسلم بن عقبة توطيد سلطانه وملكه ودوام أيامه من غير منازع فعاقبه الله بنقيض قصده وحال بينه وبين ما يشتهيه فقصمه الله قاصم الجبابرة وأخذه أخذ عزيز مقتدر وكذلك أخذ ربك إذا أخذ القرى وهى ظالمة إن أخذه أليم شديد

Translation: Ibn Zubayr (Radhi Allaho Anho) said: O PEOPLE YOUR COMPANIONS HAVE BEEN KILLED – Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun
"Yazeed committed a mistake and that too a disgusting one by ordering Muslim bin Uqba to make Madina "mubah" for three days. This was his biggest and ugliest blunder. Many Sahaba and their children were slaughtered. As it has been mentioned before that Yazid made UbaydUllah Ibn Ziyad kill the grandson of Rasulullah (saw) Husayn and his companions, and in those three days huge heinous crimes happened in Madina about which nobody knows except Allah. Yazeed wanted to secure his governance by sending Muslim bin Uqbah but Allah did against his wishes and punished him. Verily Allah killed him likewise Allah made grip over the oppressing towns, no doubt His grip is painful and strict".
[Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Vol 8 Page 283]

And Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Said

Imam Ahmed narrates this report from Sa’ib bin Khalad (RA) that the Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Whosoever spreads injustice and frightened the people of Madina, then Curse (Lanah) of Allah, his Angels and all the people is upon such a person. [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal as narrated by Imam Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Vol 8 Page No. 274]

Quran states: Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment (33:57)

2. Even Ibn Ziyad got outraged by Yazid

Yazid’s crimes were so heinous that even his loyal UbaidUllah Ibn Ziyad (whom he had sent to murder Muslim bin Aqeel and later Imam Hussain ra too) said:

كان يزيد كتب إلى عبد الله بن زياد أن يسير إلى الزبير فيحاصره بمكة فأبى عليه وقال والله لا أجمعهما للفاسق أبدا أقتل ابن بنت رسول الله ص وأغزو البيت الحرام وقد كانت أمه مرجانة قالت له حين قتل الحسين ويحك ماذا صنعت وماذا ركبت وعنفته تعنيفا شديدا قالوا وقد بلغ يزيد أن ابن الزبير يقول فى خطبته يزيد القرود شارب الخمور تارك الصلوات منعكف على القينات

Translation: When Yazid wrote to Ibn Ziyad that he should go to Makkah and besiege Abdullah Ibn Zubayr (RA) he refused to do so and said: By Allah I will not combine two things for a Fasiq (i.e. Yazid). I have already killed the son of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s daughter (on his order) and now (he asks me to) wage war on Bayt ul Harram? However when he martyred Imam Hussain (RA) his mother Marjana said to him: May you die! what have you done and what crime have you committed, she also scolded him severely. Yazid was informed that Abdullah Ibn Zubayr (RA) used to say in his speeches that Yazid was a fraud, drunkard, one who abandons Salaat and one who stays with singing women.
[Al-Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8, Page No 279]

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) further narrates:

ثم أباح مسلم بن عقبة الذى يقول فيه السلف مسرف بن عقبة قبحه الله من شيخ سوء ما أجهله المدينة ثلاثة أيام كما أمره يزيد لا جزاه الله خيرا وقتل خيرا خلقا من أشرافها وقرائها وانتهب أموالا كثيرة منها ووقع شر وفساد عريض على ما ذكره غير واحد فكان ممن قتل بين يديه صبرا معقل بن سنان وقد كان صديقه قبل ذلك ولكن أسمعه فى يزيد كلاما غليظا فنقم عليه بسببه

Translation: And he Muslim bin Uqba who is known as As-Salf Musraf bin Uqba, May Allah not do well to this leader of evil and ignorance, he made Madina legal for 3 days on the order of Yazid. May Allah also not grant Jaza and khayr to him(i.e. Yazid), he got many righteous killed and also looted the amwaal in Madina in great numbers, this has been multiply narrated that he created a lot of Shar and Fasad. It is mentioned that Hadrat Muafl bin Sanan (RA) was tied infront (of Ibn Uqba) and then martyred, you were his friend before but later you used strong words against Yazid due to which he became angry at you.
[Al-Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8, Page No 280]
‎3. Yazeed’s aggression against the leading Tabi’i called Sa'eed Ibn Musaib (rah)

قال المدائنى وجىء إلى مسلم بسعيد بن المسيب فقال له بايع فقال أبايع على سيرة أبى بكر وعمر فأمر بضرب عنقه فشهد رجل إنه مجنون فخلى سبيله

Translation: Al Mudaini (rah) said: Sa’eed Ibn Musaib (rah) was brought to Muslim (bin uqba), He asked him to give bayah. (Sa’eed ibn Musab) said: I will give bayah on seerah of Sayyidna Abu Bakr and Sayyidna Umar (RA). (Muslim) ordered to get him killed but a man said This person (i.e. Sa’eed ibn Musaib) is a mad man (in order to save him), at this he was left alone. 
[Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8, Page No 281]
‎4. Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rah)

Imam Ibn Hajr (rah) made the whole title in his book al-Imta bil al-Arb'ain as "SENDING LANAH ON YAZID (لعن يزيد)"

وأما المحبة فيه والرفع من شأنه فلا تقع إلا من مبتدع فاسد الاعتقاد فإنه كان فيه من الصفات ما يقتضي سلب الإيمان عمن يحبه لأن الحب في الله والبغض في الله من الإيمان والله المستعان

Translation: Loving and glorifying him (Yazid) is not done “EXCEPT BY A HERETIC” who has void belief because he (Yazid) had such characteristics that his lover deserves to be faithless, because to love and hate just for the sake of God is a sign of faith. [Publisher's name: Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Book name: al-Imta bil al-Arba'in al-Matbainatus Samah (الإمتاع بالأربعين المتباينة السماع), 
Author: Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah), Publication date: 1997, Page No. 96]

قال يحيـى بن عبد الملك بن أبـي غنية أحد الثقات، ثنا نوفل بن أبـي عقرب ثقة قال: كنت عند عمر بن عبد العزيز فذكر رجل يزيد بن معاوية، فقال: قال أمير المؤمنين يزيد، فقال عمر: تقول أمير المؤمنين يزيد، وأمر به فضرب عشرين سوطاً

Yahya bin Abdul Mulk bin Abi Ghania "WHO WAS AMONGST THIQA NARRATORS" he heard from Nawfl bin Abi Aqrab "WHO IS THIQA" he narrates: Once in the gathering of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] people talked about Yazid bin Muawiya, someone among the people mentioned Yazid with the title of Ameer ul Momineen, hearing this Hadrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz [ra] replied (in anger): You have called Yazeed Amir Ul Mominein? Then he gave order of 20 lashes to be given to the person 
[Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Tahdhib ut Tahdhib, Volume No. 6, Page No. 313].
5. Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (rah) in Tarikh ul Khulafa

He states: You (Imam Hussain - Radhi Allaho Anho) were martyred and your head was brought to Ibn Ziyad on a plate. "May Allah's Lanah (Curse) be upon the person who killed you, also Ibn Ziyad "AND UPON YAZID"
[As-Suyuti in Tarikh ul Khulafa, Page No. 165]

Imam Jalal ud-din Suyuti (rah) writes: Nawfl bin Abi Firaat (rah) said that once he was sitting with Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz (rah) when a man called Yazid as "Ameer ul Momineen Yazid bin Muawiya" at this (Umar bin Abdul Aziz said in anger): you call this person as Ameer ul Momineen?! and then he ordered that person to be "lashed 20 times" in 63 AH Yazid got to know that people of Madina have rejected him and are preparing to wage war upon him, knowing this Yazid sent a huge army to Madina and "declared war upon people of Madina" after looting in Madina he sent the army to martyr Hadrat Abdullah bin Zubayr (ra) in Makkah and so the incident of "HURRA" took place, do you know what Hurra is? regarding it Hassan (a Tabi'i) said: When Madina was attacked, there remained not a single person who was safe from it, "huge amount of Sahaba and others were martyred and Madina was looted and thousands of virgin girls were raped" Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun... The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Whosoever frightens People of Madina then Allah will frighten them (the attackers) plus Curse (Lanah) of Allah, his Angels and all the people is upon such a person (Sahih Muslim) the reason why people of Madina did not give bayah to Yazid was because he was indulged in “too many sins” Imam Waqidi (rah) narrates from Abdullah Bin Khazlatal Ghusail (a Sahabi) that he said: By Allah we did not revolt against Yazid until we were sure that “WE WILL BE SHOWERED WITH STONES FROM SKY” (the Yazidans) started to do Nikah with their mothers, sisters and daughters, they started to drink openly and neglected prayers! Imam Dhahabi (rah) said: When Yazid did such things with people of Madina although “ he was indulged in drinking and other evil deeds even before” then the people of Makkah also revolted against him and rose against him from 4 sides and then Allah did not put Barakah in life of Yazid (Then it mentions that Yazid attacked Makkah and got the Abdullah Ibn Zubayr Martyred)

Reference: As-Suyuti, Tarikh ul Khulafa, Page No. 167
6. Allama Aloosi (Rahimuhullah) writes under 47:22-23 in his magnificent Ruh ul Ma’ani

واستدل بها أيضاً على جواز لعن يزيد عليه من الله تعالى ما يستحق. نقل البرزنجي في «الإشاعة» والهيتمي في «الصواعق» أن الإمام أحمد لما سأله ولده عبد الله عن لعن يزيد قال كيف لا يلعن من لعنه الله تعالى في كتابه؟ فقال عبد الله قد قرأت كتاب الله عز وجل فلم أجد فيه لعن يزيد فقال الإمام إن الله تعالى يقول:

{ فَهَلْ عَسَيْتُمْ إِن تَوَلَّيْتُمْ أَن تُفْسِدُواْ فِي ٱلأَرْضِ وَتُقَطّعُواْ أَرْحَامَكُمْ * أَوْلَـئِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَعَنَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ }

[محمد: 22] الآية وأي فساد وقطيعة أشد مما فعله يزيد؟

Translation:The Proof of sending Lanah upon Yazid is derived from this (ayah), as was mentioned by Al-Barzanji (rah) in his Al-Ashaat and Imam al-Haythami (rah) in As-Sawaiq from Imam Ahmed (rah) that his son Abdullah asked him about sending Lanah on Yazid, (Imam Ahmed) said: Why cannot Lanah be sent on him when Allah has sent Lanah on him in Quran, Abdullah (rah) asked: Recite the Kitab of Allah so that I know how Lanah is sent on Yazid? Imam Ahmed (rah) mentioned these verses: Would ye then, if ye were given the command, work corruption in the land and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the men whom Allah has cursed…(47:22-23) Hence what could be a bigger Strife than what Yazid did?
[ [Ruh ul Ma’ani by Imam Al-Alusi, Volume 9 Under Surah Muhammad 22-23]

2) Allama Alusi said: And I say what is prevalent over my mind that (Yazid) Khabith did not testify to the messengership of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). According to me it is correct to curse a person like Yazid, although one cannot imagine a Fasiq like him and apparently he never repented, the possibility of his repentance is weaker than the possibility of his faith (Iman). Along with Yazid, Ibn Ziyad, Ibn Sa'ad and his group shall also be included. Verily, may Allah's curse be upon all of them, their friends, their supporters, their group and upon everyone who inclines towards them until Qayamah and until an eye sheds a tear for Abu Abdullah Hussain (ra). 
[Tafsir Ruh al-Ma'ani, Volume 26, Page No. 73]
7. Imam Dhahabi (rah) writes about Yazid

وكان ناصبيا فظا غليظا جلفا يتناول المسكر ويفعل المنكر افتتح دولته بمقتل الشهيد الحسين واختتمها بواقعة الحرة فمقته الناس ولم يبارك في عمره وخرج عليه غير واحد بعد الحسين كأهل المدينة قاموا لله

Translation: He (Yazid) was a disgusting Nasibi (i.e. those who hate Ahlul bayt). He drank and did evil. He started his kingdom with the killing of the Shahid al-Hussain (RA) and ended it with the incident of al-Harra (i.e. besiegement of Madina which also makes him directly liable for Lanah as sahih ahadith prove). Hence the people hated him, he was not blessed in his life, and many took up arms against him after Imam Hussain (RA) such as the people of Madina - they rose for the sake of Allah

[As Siyar al Alam an Nabula, Volume No. 4, Page No. 37-38]

2) Imam Dhahabi (rah) writes: I say: 'When Yazid did to the people of Madina what he did and killed al-Hussain and his brothers and progeny, and Yazid drank alcohol, and performed abominable things, then the people hated him and rose up against him more than once. God didn't bless his life and Abu Bilal Mirdas bin Adya al-Hanzali rose against him.' 

[Tarikh al-Islam: wa-tabaqat al-mashahir wa-al-a`lam, Volume 005, Page No. 30]

3) Imam Dhahabi Writes: Ziyad Haarthi narrated: 'Yazid gave me alcohol to drink, I had never drunk alcohol like that before and I enquired where he had obtained its ingredients from'. Yazid replied: 'it is made of sweet pomegranate, Isfahan's honey, Hawaz's sugar, Taif's grapes and Burdah's water'. Ahmed bin Masama' narrated: 'Once Yazid drank alcohol and started to dance, suddenly he fell down and his nostril began to bleed'. [Siyar al A'lam wa al Nubalah, Volume 004, Page No. 037]

‎8. Qadhi ThanaUllah Panipati (rah) on Yazid

Another great Mufasir and author of great books, a scholar accepted by all Sunni Muslims i.e. Qadhi Thana Ullah Panipatti (rah) quoted Quranic ayah 14:28 and writes:

Quran states: Hast thou not seen those who gave the grace of Allah in exchange for thanklessness and led their people down to the Abode of Loss (14:28)

Tafsir: Bani Ummaiya had always rejoiced upon Kufr, however Abu Sufyan, Ameer Mu’awiya (RA) and Umaro bin Aas(RA) and others became Muslims. Later Yazid and his companions rejected the blessings of Allah and rose the flag of enmity towards Ahlul Bayt and finally brutally martyred Imam Hussain (RA) to the extent that Yazid even denied the Deen of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam). He after martyrdom of Imam Hussain(RA) said: Had my predecessors lived they would have seen how I took revenge from the family of Prophet (saw) and Bani Hashim, The couplet which Yazid made had this in the end: I will avenge Ahmed (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam) for whatever he did with my predecessors in Badr (Naudhobillah). Yazid even declared alcohol as permissible and in praise of it he said: If liquor is Haram in the Deen of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) then take it to be permissible according to the deen of Isa Ibn Marym (a.s). 
[Tafsir al Mazhari Volume 5, Pages 211-212]

9. Ibn Kathir's comments on Yazeed

Ibn Kathir himself writes in al Bidayah Volume 8 page 1169 "Dhikr Yazeed bin Muawiyah":

"Traditions inform us that Yazeed loved worldly vices, would drink, listen to music, kept the company of boys with no facial hair [civil expression for paedophilia with boys, a form of homosexuality], played drums, kept dogs [civil expression for bestiality], making frogs, bears and monkeys fight. Every morning he used be intoxicated and use to bind monkey with the saddle of a horse and make the horse run".

Reference:Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Vol 8 Page 1169
10. Ibn Atheer's comments on Yazeed

In Tareekh al Kamil Volume 3 page 450 Ibn Atheer narrates from Munzir bin Zabeer:

"Verily Yazeed rewarded me with 100,000 dirhams but this cannot stop me from highlighting his state, By Allah he is a drunkard"
11. Ibn Jauzi's comments on Yazeed 'the drunkard'

Ibn Jauzi in Wafa al-Wafa:

"Yazeed appointed his cousin Uthman bin Muhammad bin Abu Sufyan as Governor of Madina. He sent a delegation to visit Yazeed who bore gifts so that they might take the oath of allegiance to him. Upon their return they said 'We have returned having visited a man who has no religion, he drinks, plays instruments, keeps the company of singers and dogs [civil word for bestiality], we declare that we have broken our allegiance to him. Abdullah bin Abi Umro bin Hafs Mukhzumee commented 'Yazeed gave me gifts. But the reality is this man is an enemy of Allah (swt) and a drunkard. I shall separate myself from him in the same way that I remove my turban [from my head]."
12. Yazeed's rejection of the Qur'an

Refer these sources

1. Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah Volume 8 page 204 Dhikr Ras al Husayn
2. Minhajj al Sunnah Volume 2 page 249 Dkikr Yazeed
3. Sharh Fiqh Akbar page 73 Dhikr Yazeed
4. Sharh Tafseer Mazhari Volume 5 page 21 Surah Ibrahim
5. Shazrah al Dhahab page 69 Dhikr Shahadth Husayn
6. Maqatahil Husayn Volume 2 page 58 Dhikr Shahdath Husayn
7. Tadhkira Khawwas page 148
8. Tareekh Tabari Volume 11 pages 21-23 Dhikr 284 Hijri
9. Tafseer Ruh al Ma'ani (commentary of Surah Muhammad)
13. In Tafseer Ruh al Maani Declairing Yazeed a kafir

"Allamah Alusi stated, Yazeed the impure denied the Prophethood of Rasulullah (s). The treatment that he meted out to the people of Makka, Medina and the family of the Prophet proves that he was a kaafir". 

Once in the gathering of Amir Ul Mominein Hazrat Ummar Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] people talked about yazeed, someone among the people said ( Amir Ul Mominein to Yazeed ) Hazrat Ummar Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] replied in anger,'' you call Yazeed ( Bad Character Person ) as Amir Ul Mominein?. Than Hazrat Ummar Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] gave order of 20 lashes to the person who called Yazeed Amir Ul Mominein [ Tahdheeb Al'Tahdheeb Vol 1 Page 361]
14. The Proof of Sending Curses(Lanat) on Yazid!

Translation:The Proof of sending Lanah upon Yazid is derived from this (ayah), as was mentioned by Al-Barzanji (rah) in his Al-Ashaat and Imam Haythami (rah) in As-Sawaiq from Imam Ahmed (rah) that his son Abdullah asked him about sending Lanah on Yazid, and how sending Lanah upon him is mentioned in the book of Allah (i.e. Quran). Imam Ahmed (rah) in proof of (sending Lanah upon Yazid) mentioned these verses:Would ye then, if ye were given the command, work corruption in the land and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the men whom Allah has cursed…(47:22-23), So could there be a greater fitnah than the actions committed by Yazid? 
[Ruh ul Ma’ani by Imam Al-Alusi, Volume 9 Under Surah Muhammad 22-23]

Imam Ibn Hajr (rah) made the whole title in his book al-Imta bil al-Arb'ain as "SENDING LANAH ON YAZID (لعن يزيد)"

وأما المحبة فيه والرفع من شأنه فلا تقع إلا من مبتدع فاسد الاعتقاد فإنه كان فيه من الصفات ما يقتضي سلب الإيمان عمن يحبه لأن الحب في الله والبغض في الله من الإيمان والله المستعان

Translation: Loving and glorifying him (Yazid) is not done “EXCEPT BY A HERETIC” who has void belief because he (Yazid) had such characteristics that his lover deserves to be faithless, because to love and hate just for the sake of God is a sign of faith. [Publisher's name: Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Book name: al-Imta bil al-Arba'in al-Matbainatus Samah (الإمتاع بالأربعين المتباينة السماع), 
Author: Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah), Publication date: 1997, Page No. 96]

قال يحيـى بن عبد الملك بن أبـي غنية أحد الثقات، ثنا نوفل بن أبـي عقرب ثقة قال: كنت عند عمر بن عبد العزيز فذكر رجل يزيد بن معاوية، فقال: قال أمير المؤمنين يزيد، فقال عمر: تقول أمير المؤمنين يزيد، وأمر به فضرب عشرين سوطاً

Yahya bin Abdul Mulk bin Abi Ghania "WHO WAS AMONGST THIQA NARRATORS" he heard from Nawfl bin Abi Aqrab "WHO IS THIQA" he narrates: Once in the gathering of Umar Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] people talked about Yazid bin Muawiya, someone among the people mentioned Yazid with the title of Ameer ul Momineen, hearing this Hadrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz [ra] replied (in anger): You have called Yazeed Amir Ul Mominein? Then he gave order of 20 lashes to be given to the person 
[Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Tahdhib ut Tahdhib, Volume No. 6, Page No. 313].