Thursday, 12 July 2012


HAQ Baat part Merits of Sufis

Merits of Sufis

Some People today stubbornly reject the status of Sufis and the importance of Islamic science called Tassawuf. In this process they try to expel these luminaries of Islam out of the folds of Islam, however let us see how the eminent scholars of Shariah accepted the validity of Tassawuf in Islam (Including highly revered scholars of Salafi sect)

The Sufis like Fudhayl bin Iyaadh (rah) are amongst the Rijaal of all major hadith works and they are unanimously agreed upon to be "THIQA (RELIABLE)" "SUDUQ (TRUTHFUL)" "THIQA THABIT (UTTERLY RELIABLE) "SALIH (RIGHTEOUS)" etc... hence the hadith science itself reaches us through eminent Sufis. 

1. Imam al Bayhaqi (rah) narrates many ahadith in praise of Sufis in his hadith work Shu’ab ul Iman, in one hadith he mentions the chain of narrators as

  أخبرنا ابو عبد الله الحافظ أخبرني ابو بكر محمد بن داود بن سليمان شيخ عصره في التصوف حدثني علي بن محمد بن خالد

Translation: It is narrated by Abu Abdullah al-Hafidh who heard from Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Dawud bin Sulayman“THE SHEIKH OF HIS TIME IN TASSAWUF” who heard from Ali bin Muhammad bin Khalid…[Shu’ab ul Imaan, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith # 3251] 

Imam al-Dhahabi (rah) says of this Muhadith

 الإِمَامُ الْحَافِظُ الرَّبَّانِيُّ الْعَابِدُ، شَيْخُ الصُّوفِيَّةِ أَبُو بَكْرٍ، مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ دَاوُدَ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ النَّيْسَابُورِيُّ الزَّاهِدُ… قَالَ أَبُو الْفَتْحِ الْقَوَّاسُ: سَمِعْتُ مِنْهُ، وَكَانَ يُقَالُ: إِنَّهُ مِنَ الأَوْلِيَاءِ وَسُئِلَ الدَّارَقُطْنِيُّ عَنْهُ، فَقَالَ: فَاضِلٌ ثِقَةٌ أَرَّخَهُ الْحَاكِمُ، وَقَالَ: هُوَ شَيْخُ عَصْرِهِ فِي التَّصَوُّفِ، 

Translation: The Imam, the Godly Hafidh. The devout worshipper. “THE SHEIKH OF SUFIS” Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Dawud bin Sulayman al-Naysaburi. “THE ZAHID”...Imam Abu Fatah was heard saying: He is amongst the “AWLIYA”...Imam DaraQutni was asked about him and he said: He is “FADHIL AND THIQA”...Imam Hakim also narrated from him and said: He was sheikh of Tasawwuf in his time [Siyar A'lam al-Nubala Volume No. 12, Page No. 83]

2. Imam al-Dhahabi (rah) introduces another great Muhadith as:

الصُّوفِيُّ الشَّيْخُ الْمُحَدِّثُ الثِّقَةُ الْمُعَمَّرُ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْجَبَّارِ بْنِ رَاشِدٍ الْبَغْدَادِيُّ، الصُّوفِيُّ الْكَبِيرُ    

Translation: The Sufi, the sheikh, the truthful Muhadith. Abu AbdUllah Ahmed bin Hassan bin Abdul Jabbar bin Rashid al Baghdadi. “THE GREAT SUFI” [As-Siyaar A'lam al-Nubala, Volume No. 17, Page No. 211] 

Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (Rahimuhullah) is amongst those scholars who is respected highly by all Muslim thinkers. Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (Rahimuhullah
) in the book attributed to him i.e. Al-Ghuniya tut Talibeen did not dedicate one page, nor 20 nor a chapter rather dedicated the last whole section to “Tassawuf” and praised Sufis immensely, he also advocated to have followed their path himself (rather is amongst the greatest Sufis known to Muslim Ummah)
3. Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (Rahimuhullah) In beginning of Section 5 writes on Page No. 449:

The Truthful Fuqara are those people who walk the path of Sufis, They clean themselves from the evil desires. They are amongst the Abdaal and Awliya [Al-Ghuniya Tut Talibi Fi Tariq al Haqq, Page No. 449]
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4. Imam Abdur Rahman Ibn Khuldun (Rahimuhullah) whose Muqadma and Tarikh is placed at top ranks, he writes in his magnificent Muqadma, Page No. 381 [Published by Dar ul Kutab al ILmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.] 

علم التصوف هذا العلم من العلوم الشرعية الحادثة في الملة وأصله أن طريقة هؤلاء القوم لم تزل عند سلف الأمة وكبارها من الصحابة والتابعين ومن بعدهم طريقة الحق والهداية واصلها العكوف على العبادة والانقطاع إلى الله تعالى والإعراض عن زخرف الدنيا وزينتها والزهد فيما يقبل عليه الجمهور من لذة ومال وجاه والانفراد عن الخلق للعبادة وكان ذلك عاما في الصحابة والسلف فلما فشا الإقبال على الدنيا في القرن الثاني وما بعده وجنح الناس ف إلى مخالطة الدنيا اختص المقبلون على العبادة باسم الصوفية والمتصوفية

 The Knowledge of Tassawuf is a branch from the sciences of Shariah that originated within the Umma from beginning, their way is the way of truth (haqq) and guidance (Hidaya) adopted by the great early Muslims (salaf), Imams, the Sahaba (Ridhwan Allaho Ajmain) their followers (Tabiyeen) and those who came after them. The approach is based upon constant application of worship, complete devotion to Allah, aversion to the false splendor of the world, abstinence from pleasure, property, and position to which the great mass aspire, and retirement from the world into solitude for divine worship. This was the norm of Sahaba and Islaaf, however when worldly aspirations increased in the second century and after, but those dedicated to worship came to be known as Sufiya or People of Tassawuf. 
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al-Hafidh Abu Nu'aym the great Muhadith's stance on Sufis!
5. Imam al-hafidh Abu Nu`aym Isfihani (Rahimuhullah) mentions right in the Muqadma of his acclaimed Hadith work Hiliya tul Awliya (Volume 1, Page No 32) 

أما بعد: أحسن الله توفيقك فقد استعنت بالله عز وجل وأجبتك إلى ما ابتغيت، من جمع كتاب يتضمن أسامي جماعة وبعض أحاديثهم وكلامهم، من أعلام المتحققين من المتصوفة وأئمتهم، وترتيب طبقاتهم من النساك ومحجتهم، من قرن الصحابة والتابعين وتابعيهم ومن بعدهم، من عرف الأدلة والحقائق

 Ama Ba’d: (O concerned) May Allah grant you good, I ask for help from Allah and write this book fulfilling your proposal. The compilation of this book deals with the sayings and conditions of an eminent group (amongst Muslims). This group is of Sufis and A’ima, their merits shall be mentioned in order of their Tabaqat i.e. starting from the era of Sahaba, then Tabiyeen and then those who followed them. These are the people who knew well the proofs and realities.

Note: The first Hadith which al-hafidh narrates is the beautiful Hadith al Qudsi saying: Whosoever nurses a grudge against a friend of mine (i.e. Wali Ullah) I declare war on him [Also narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih: Volume 8, Page No. 131)

6. The righteous Ruler Al-Muzzafar Abu Sa’eed (Rahimuhullah) and his gathering for Mawlid which included eminent ulama and Sufiya - (Ibn Kathir in: Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 13, Page No. 174) 

The Glorious Ruler Muzzafar ibn Zayn un din (rah)

الملك المظفر أبو سعيد كوكبري

ابن زين الدين علي بن تبكتكين أحد الاجواد والسادات الكبراء والملوك الامجاد له آثار حسنة وقد عمر الجامع المظفري بسفح قاسيون وكان قدهم بسياقه الماء إليه من ماء بذيرة فمنعه المعظم من ذلك واعتل بأنه قد يمر على مقابر المسلمين بالسفوح وكان يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول ويحتفل به احتفالا هائلا وكان مع ذلك شهما شجاعا فاتكا بطلا عاقلا عالما عادلا رحمه الله وأكرم مثواه وقد صنف الشيخ أبو الخطاب ابن دحية له مجلدا في المولد النبوي سماه التنوير في مولد البشير النذير فأجازه على ذلك بألف دينار وقد طالت مدته في الملك في زمان الدولة الصلاحية وقد كان محاصر عكا وإلى هذه السنة محمودالسيرة والسريرة قال السبط حكى بعض من حضر سماط المظفر في بعض الموالد كان يمد في ذلك السماط خمسة آلاف راس مشوى وعشرة آلاف دجاجة ومائة ألف زبدية وثلاثين ألف صحن حلوى قال وكان يحضر عنده في المولد اعيان العلماء والصوفية فيخلع عليهم ويطلق لهم ويعمل للصوفية سماعا من الظهر إلى الفجر ويرقص بنفسه معهم وكانت له دار ضيافة للوافدين من أي جهة على أي صفة وكانت صدقاته في جميع القرب والطاعات على الحرمين وغيرهما ويتفك من الفرنج في كل سنة خلقا من الاسارى حتى قيل إن جملة من استفكه من ايديهم ستون ألف أسير قالت زوجته ربيعة خاتون بنت أيوب وكان قد زوجه إياها أخوها صلاح الدين لما كان معه على عكا قالت كان قميصه لا يساوي خمسة دراهم فعاتبته بذلك فقال لبسي ثوبا بخمسة واتصدق بالباقي خير من أن البس ثوبا مثمنا وادع الفقير المسكين وكان يصرف على المولد في كل سنة ثلاثمائة ألف دينار وعلى دار الضيافة في كل سنة مائة ألف دينار وعلى الحرمين والمياه بدرب الحجاز ثلاثين ألف دينار سوى صدقات السر رحمه الله تعالى 

Note: Before biography of this great Ruler written in golden words is given, whom Salah-ud-din Ayyubi (Rahimuhullah) himself wed to his sister, one has to beware of a forgery which Salafis try to make common in name of Imam Ibn Kathir (rah). The culprits corrupted the translation and made this brave, wise, upright and scholarly ruler into a wicked, cruel and Bidati one (Naudhobillah)

The actual words of Imam without forgery

Translation: The ruler Muzzafar Abu Sa’ed Kawkaburi Ibn Zayn-ud-din Ali bin Tabaktakin was a generous, mighty master, and glorious ruler, whose works were very good. He built Jamiya al Muzaffari near Qasiyun…During Rabi ul Awwal he used to celebrate Mawlid ash Shareef (يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول) with great celebration, Moreover, he was benevolent, brave, wise, a scholar, and just person – Rahimuhullah wa Ikraam – Sheikh Abul Khattab (rah) wrote a book on Mawlid an Nabwi for him and named it At-Tanwir fi Mawlid al Bashir al Nazeer, for which he gave him 1000 dinars. His rule stayed till the Rule of Salahiya and he captured Aka and he remained a man worthy of respect.

Al-Sabt mentions that a person attending the gathering of Mawlid held by Muzzafar said: He used to fill the table with 5000 well cooked goats, 10,000 chickens, 100-thousand bowls (of milk) and 30,000 trays of sweets.

During the Mawlid there used be a big gathering of Ulama and Sufiya with him, whom he used to grant gifts and also arrange (Mehfil) of Sama for Sufis from Dhuhr till Asr in which he himself did Raqs. [Note: Raqs is proven and allowed in Shariah, It should not be mixed with vulgar dancing of west done on music] and he had built a Dar ul Ziafat for everyone who came no matter what position the person held, and he used to give sadaqat for Haramain Shareefain and also used to get many prisoners free from Farangis (i.e. white people probably Christian/Jews), It is said that he got 60,000 prisoners free from them.

His wife Rabiya bint Ayyub who was married to him by her brother Salah ud din Ayyubi (rah) said that his shirt was not even worth 5 Dirhams, so she complained to him about it at which he replied: For me to wear shirt of 5 Dirhams only and give remaining as Sadaqa is better than wearing expensive clothes or to leave the Fuqara and Masakeen. He used to spend Three hundred thousand Dinaar on Mawlid every year, Hundred thousand Dinar on welcoming guests, and 30,000 dinars to provide water for Pilgrims on travel – Rahimuhullah -

7. Imam al-hafidh al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman Volume 6, Page No. 356, Hadith No. 8501

 أخبرنا أبو زكريا بن أبي إسحاق قال حضرت مجلس أبي الحسن بن سمعون فسأله رجل عن التصوف ما هو قال إن له اسما وحقيقة فعن أيهما تسأل فقال عنهما جميعا فقال أما اسمه فنسيان الدنيا ونسيان أهلها وأما حقيقته فالمداراة مع الخلق واحتمال الأذى منهم من جهة الحق 

Translation: Narrated by Abu Zakriyyah bin Abi Ishaq who said that he went to the gathering of Abul Hassan bin Samoon (rah) where a person asked him: What is Tassawuf?, He replied: It has a name and also reality, which of the two have you asked about? The questioner said: Both, He replied: In name it means to forget the world and its residents (i.e. dedicate yourself only to Allah), whereas the reality of it is to deal nicely with creation, not to harm them and also to share their pain for the sake of Allah.

8. Merits of Sheikh Shahab ud din Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah) In Tarikh Ibn Khalkan (i.e. by Sheikh Shams ud din Abul Abbas) Volume 4, Page No 446

الملقب شهاب الدين السهروردي وقد تقدم تتمة نسبه إلى أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه في ترجمة عمه الشيخ أبي النجيب عبد القاهر فأغنى عن إعادته كان فقيها شافعي المذهب شيخا صالحا ورعا كثير الاجتهاد في العبادة والرياضة وتخرج عليه خلق كثير من الصوفية في المجاهدة والخلوة ولم يكن في آخر عمره في عصره مثله
Translation: And lineage of Shahab ud din Suharwardi has been mentioned before in the biography of his uncle Abul Najib Abdul Qahir (rah) reaching back to Sayyidna Abu Bakr (RA). You were a shafi’i Faqih and a Salih (righteous) sheikh, who did a lot of striving in worship and Riyazah. Many of the Sufis took you as a teacher in Mujahida and Khalwat. And in your era till your last age there was none like you. 

9. Sheikh Shahab ud din Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah) in words of Imam Ibn Kathir (rah)  [Al-Bidayah Wal Nihayah Volume 13, Page No. 176]

الشيخ شهاب الدين السهروردي

صاحب عوارف المعارف عمر بن محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن محمد بن حمويه واسمه عبد الله البكري البغدادي شهاب الدين أبو حفص السهروردي شيخ الصوفية ببغداد كان من كبار الصالحين وسادات المسلمين وتردد في الرسلية بين الخلفاء والملوك مرارا وحصلت له أموال جزيلة ففرقها بين الفقراء والمحتاجين وقد حج مرة وفي صحبته خلق من الفقراء لا يعلمهم إلا الله عز وجل وكانت فيه مروءة وإغاثة للملهوفين وأمر بالمعروف ونهي عن المنكر… وذكر له أبن خلكان أشياء كثيرة من أناشيده وأثنى عليه خيرا وأنه توفي في هذه السنة وله ثلاث وتسعون سنة رحمه الله تعالى

Translation: The Author of Awarif ul Mu’arif, Umar bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Hamuya. Your name was Abdullah al Bakri al Baghdadi Shahab ud din Abu Hafs Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah).Sheikh of Sufiya in Baghdad, amongst the “major” righteous masters of Muslims (شيخ الصوفية ببغداد كان من كبار الصالحين وسادات المسلمين). You travelled with Khulafa and leaders many times and gathered abundant amount of wealth which you distributed amongst Fuqara and the needy. Once when you went for Hajj, you had with yourself so many Fuqara that their quantity is known to none but Allah. You had the qualities of youth, of helping the saddened ones, of amr bil maroof wa nahi al munkar (to stop from evil and advocate good). You used to preach people in old trodden clothes… Ibn Khalkan (rah) has mentioned many of your poetry and praised you in good terms. You passed away in this year (630AH) - Rahimuhullah Ta'la

10. Detailed explanation of Tassawuf by Imam Ibn Khaldun (Rahimuhullah) again (Muqadma Page No. 158)

وأما المتصوفة فرياضتهم دينية وعرية عن هذه المقاصد المذمومة

وإنما يقصدون جمع الهمة والإقبال على الله بالكلية ليحصل لهم أذواق أهل العرفان والتوحيد، ويزيدون في رياضتهم إلى الجمع والجوع التغذية بالذكر، فبها تتم وجهتهم في هذه الرياضة. لأنه إذا نشأت النفس على الذكر كانت أقرب إلى العرفان بالله؛ وإذا عريت عن الذكر كانت شيطانية.

وحصول ما يحصل من معرفة الغيب والتصرف لهؤلاء المتصوفة إنما هو بالعرض، ولا يكون مقصوداً من أول الأمر؛ لأنه إذا قصد ذلك كانت الوجهة فيه لغير الله؛ وإنما هي لقصد التصرف والاطلاع على الغيب، وأخسر بها صفقة فإنها في الحقيقة شرك. قال بعضهم: "من آثر العرفان للعرفان فقد قال بالثاني ". فهم يقصدون بوجهتهم المعبود لا لشيء سواه. وإذا حصل في أثناء ذلك ما يحصل فبالغرض وغير مقصود لهم. وكثير منهم يفر منه إذا عرض له ولا يحفل به؛ وإنما يريد الله لذاته لا لغيره. وحصول ذلك لهم معروف. ويسمون ما يقع لهم من الغيب والحديث على الخواطر فراسة وكشفاً، وما يقع لهم من التصرف كرامة؛ وليس شيء من ذلك بنكير في حقهم. وقد ذهب إلى إنكاره الأستاذ أبو إسحاق الأسفراييني وأبو محمد بن أبي زيد المالكي في آخرين فراراً من التباس المعجزة بغيرها. والمعول عليه عند المتكلمين حصول التفرقة بالتحدي فهو كاف

Translation: The Sufi training is a religious one. It is free from any reprehensible intentions. They aspire to total concentration upon Allah with a direct approach towards him so that they also get the zawq as attained by knowers of Allah and his Tawhid (Ahlul Irfan wa-tawhid). This is why to create an accord in their thoughts they keep themselves hungry in order to flourish their soul in remembrance of Allah and thus attain success in achieving their goals, because when the soul feeds on Dhikr (of Allah) it attains knowledge and closeness to Him, but if it is far from Dhikr (of Allah) then Shaytan becomes dominant upon it.....

Whatever knowledge of the unseen and Tassaruf attained (by Sufis) is not what they intended for originally. Had it been intentional then the devotion of Sufis would have been directed toward something other than Allah, namely toward knowing unseen and get Tassaruf. What a losing business that would have been! In reality, it would have been Shirk. Some (Sufis) said: Whosoever tried to attain Marifah for the sake of Marifah (committed shirk), this is why their devotion is only (to come near) the Master, and nothing else.

If meanwhile some (supernatural perception) is obtained then it is accidental and unintentional. Many (Sufis) hate and shun (supernatural perception) when it accidentally happens to them, and pay no attention to it. They only want Allah for his sake only and nothing else. It is well known that (supernatural perception) does occur among (Sufis). If they attain knowledge of Unseen and have Firasah (sight) then they call it the un-covering. Their experiences of supernatural activity creating a change in environment are called Karamah. Nobody can deny their Kashf, Firasah and Karamah, however Abu Ishaq Isfraini and Abu Muhammad bin Abu Zayd Maliki have rejected the Karmah (of Sufis) so that no comparison is made between Mojiza (Mircales performed by Anbiya) and others, But the Mutakalimeen showed a distinction between Mojiza and Karamah i.e. former is shown as a challenge whereas latter is not.

Note: After this Ibn Khaldun (rah) mentions Karamah of non-anbiya i.e. Sahaba and Awliya, the first example he gives is of Hadrat Umar(RA) saying loudly “Ya Sariyah tul Jabal” while giving Khutba in Madina and Sariya (ra) heard it too though he was very far away in Iraq. 

11. Imam Baihaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman Volume 3, Page No. 261-262 Hadith No. 3487--

 أخبرنا ابو عبد الرحمن السلمي قال سمعت عبد الواحد بن بكر يقول سمعت محمد بن داود الرقي يقول عن أبي العباس بن عطاء قال سعى ساع بالصوفية إلى الخليفة فقال إن ها هنا قوما من الزنادقة يرفضون الشريعة فأخذ ابو الحسين الثوري وأبوحمزة والرقام وتستر الجنيد بالفقه فكان يتكلم على مذهب أبي ثور فأدخلوا على الخليفة فأمر بضرب اعناقهم فبرز ابو الحسين إلى السياف ليضرب عنقه فقال له السياف مالك برزت من بين أصحابك فقال أحببت أن أوثر أصحابي بحياة هذه اللحظة فتعجب السياف من ذلك وجميع من حضر وكتب به إلى الخليفة فرد أمرهم إلى قاضي القضاة

إسماعيل بن إسحاق فقام إليه الثوري فسأله عن أصول الفرائض في الطهارة والصلاة فأجابه ثم قال وبعد هذا فإن لله عبادا يأكلون بالله ويلبسون بالله ويسمعون بالله ويصدرون بالله ويردون بالله فلما سمع القاضي كلامه بكى بكاء شديدا ثم دخل على الخليفة وقال إن كان هؤلاء القوم الزنادقة فما على وجه الأرض موحد

Translation:Abul Abbas bin Ata (rah) narrates: Some backbiter complained about Sufis to the Caliph that these people are zindeeq and those who have departed from the religion, hence Abul Hassan Thawri (rah), Abu Hamza (rah) and Riqam (rah) were captured, and Junaid got busy in fiqh as he used to do kalaam on the way of Abu Thawr (rah). These people were presented infront of the Caliph of that time who ordered them to be killed. Abul Hassan quickly came infront of the Jallad so that he is the one to be killed first.. The Jallad asked him: What happened, Why did you come ahead from amongst all? He (Abul Hasan) replied: I have given preference to my friends so that they live a little more than me. The Jallad became amazed upon looking at the Isaar (of these Sufis) and refused to kill anyone of them, he was amazed from the one and also all of them.

...He wrote a letter to the caliph and sent their case to the Qadhi ul Qudha who was Ismail bin Ishaq (rah). Even in the court Abul Hasan Thawri (rah) came ahead first. The Judge asked him about the Usool of Deen, Faraid, Taharah and Salaat. He (Abul Hasan) gave (perfect) answers to all and said: after these usool and faraid there are special people of Allah who get food and drink by Allah who hear with (his hearing) and He is the one who answers for them. When the Qadhi heard his speech he wept profoundly and went to the Caliph and said: If these people have departed from religion and are zindeeq then there is no Mawhid on the face of this earth.

-End of narration by Imam al Hafidh al-Bayhaqi (Rahimuhullah)-

12. Imam al-Dhahabi on Imam of Sufis, Al Qushayri (rah)  **Very Important**
Imam al-Dhahabi (rah) says about Imam Al Qushayri (Rahimuhullah):

القشيري الإمام الزاهد القدوة الأستاذ أبو القاسم عبدالكريم بن هوازن بن عبدالملك بن طلحة القشيري الخراساني النيسابوري الشافعي الصوفي المفسر صاحب الرسالة ولد سنة خمس وسبعين وثلاث مئة

Translation: Al Qushayri (rah), the Imam of abstinence, the model, the teacher, Abul Qasim Abdul Kareem bin Hawazin bin Abdul Malik bin Talha al Qushayri (rah), the Khurasani and Naysaburi, “SHAFI’I, SUFI AND MUFASIR” the author of Ar-Risalah, he was born in 375 AH [Siyar A'lam an Nubala, Volume No. 11, Page No. 487, Published by Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.]

Imam Qushayri (rah) writes in the same Risalah mentioned by Imam Dhahabi (rah)
هذه رسالة كتبها الفقير إلى الله تعالى عبد الكريم بن هوازن القشيري، إلى جماعة الصوفية ببلدان الإسلام، في سنة سبع وثلاثين وأربعمائة. أما بعد: رضي الله عنكم فقد جعل الله هذه الطائفة صفوة أوليائه، وفضلهم على الكافة من عباده، بعد رسله وأنبيائه، صلوات الله وسلامه عليهم، وجعل قلوبهم معادن أسراره، واختصهم من بين الأمة بطوالع أنواره.

Translation: This is a precise book written by a Faqir of Allah called Abdul Kareem bin Hawazin al Qushayri. It is written about the group of Sufis living in Islamic world, the year of its writing is 437 AH. Ama Ba’ad (O the one listening, reading and seeing) May Allah be pleased with you. Allah has granted these (Sufis) a top ranking status, He has chosen them above all slaves after the Prophets and Messengers. Allah’s blessing and Peace be upon them, may Allah keep on choosing their hearts for expressing His secrets as amongst whole Ummah they are granted the Nur (of guidance) [Ar Risalah al Qushayriya, Page No. 42]  

13. Junayd Baghdadi (RA) [Taken from Ibn Kathir's  Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Volume 11, Page No. 218]

الجنيد بن محمد بن الجنيد

أبو القاسم الخزاز ويقال له القواريري أصله من نهاوند ولد ببغداد ونشأ بها وسمع الحديث من الحسين بن عرفة وتفقه بأبى ثور إبراهيم بن خالد الكلبي وكان يفتي بحضرته وعمره عشرون سنة وقد ذكرناه في طبقات الشافعية واشتهر بصحبة الحارث المحاسبي وخاله سرى السقطى

ولازم التعبد ففتح الله عليه بسبب ذلك علوما كثيرة وتكلم على طريقة الصوفية وكان ورده في كل يوم ثلثمائة ركعة وثلاثين ألف تسبيحة ومكث أربعين سنة لا يأوى إلى فراش ففتح عليه من العلم النافع والعمل الصالح بأمور لم تحصل لغيره في زمانه وكان يعرف سائر فنون العلم وإذا أخذ فيها لم يكن له فيها وقفة ولا كبوة حتى كان يقول في المسألة الواحدة وجوها كثيرة لم تخطر للعلماء ببال وكذلك في التصوف وغيره ولما حضرته الوفاة جعل يصلي ويتلو القرآن فقيل له لورفقت بنفسك في مثل هذا الحال فقال لا أحد أحوج إلى ذلك منى الآن وهذا أوان طى صحيفتى قال ابن خلكان أخذ الفقه عن أبي ثور ويقال كان يتفقه على مذهب سفيان الثورى وكان ابن سريح يصحبه ويلازمه وربما استفاد منه أشياء في الفقه لم تخطر له ببال ويقال إنه سأله مرة عن مسألة فأجابه فيها بجوابات كثيرة فقال يا أبا القاسم ألم أكن أعرف فيها سوى ثلاثة أجوبة مما ذكرت فأعدها علي فأعادها بجوابات أخرى كثيرة فقال والله ما سمعت هذا قبل اليوم فأعده فأعاده بجوابات أخرى غير ذلك فقال له لم أسمع بمثل هذا فأمله علي حتى أكتبه فقال الجنيد لئن كنت أجريه فأنا أمليه اى إن الله هو الذى يجري ذلك على قلبي وينطق به لساني وليس هذا مستفاد من كتب ولا من تعلم وإنما هذا من فضل الله عز وجل يلهمنيه ويجريه على لساني فقال فمن أين استفدت هذا العلم قال من جلوسي بين يدي الله أربعين سنة والصحيح أنه كان على مذهب سفيان الثوري وطريقه والله أعلم وسئل الجنيد عن العارف

فقال من نطق عن سرك وأنت ساكت وقال مذهبنا هذا مقيد بالكتاب والسنة فمن لم يقرأ القرآن ويكتب الحديث لا يقتدى به في مذهبنا وطريقتنا ورأى بعضهم معه مسبحة فقال له أنت مع شرفك تتخذ مسبحة فقال طريق وصلت به إلى الله لا أفارقه وقال له خاله السري تكلم على الناس فلم ير نفسه موضعا فرأى في المنام رسول الله ص فقال له تكلم على الناس فغدا على خاله فقال له لم تسمع منى حتى قال لك رسول الله ص فتكلم على الناس فجاءه يوما شاب نصراني في صورة مسلم فقال له يا أبا القاسم ما معنى قول النبي ص اتقوا فراسة المؤمن فإنه ينظر بنور الله فأطرق الجنيد ثم رفع رأسه إليه وقال أسلم فقد آن لك أن تسلم قال فأسلم الغلام

Translation: Abul Qasim al-Khazzaz and It is also said Al-Qawairi, in reality he was from Nahawand, born and grew young in Baghdad, heard ahadith from Al Hussain bin Arfa (rah) and got the knowledge of Fiqh from Abul Thawr Ibrahim bin Khalid Kalbi (rah) and in his presence at the age of about 20 he started to give verdicts. We have mentioned him in Tabaqat al Shafiyyah. He was student of Siri Saqti (rah) and Harith al-Muhasibi (rah) which made him attain a lot of fame. He was firm in worship due to which Allah opened doors of many uloom upon him and he talked about the tariqa of Sufiya. It was his norm that he used to pray 300 Rakaat everyday and recite 30,000 Tasbihat and for 40 years he did not sleep on (soft) bed, due to such deeds Allah granted him beneficial knowledge along with correct implementation in a way that nobody else in his time had acquired. He knew all the branches of Uloom very well to the extent that he left no shortcoming in whatever matter he talked about, rather he used to explain every single ruling in such many ways that no other alim could have done. Same was his situation in (uloom) of Tassawuf.

The Inspiration from Allah azza Wajjal
...When his time for death came near, he started to pray and recite Quran, someone said: If in this critical time you give your soul some rest then it would be better for you, he replied: Nobody is dependant and deprived more than me right now as the time for my Amaal to be wrapped up has arrived.

Ibn Khalkan (rah) said that he got the knowledge of fiqh from Abu Thawr (rah) and it is also said that he was on the methodology of Sufyan Thawri (rah). Ibn Sharih (rah) used to stay in his Suhbah all the time. It is said that once when he was asked about a certain matter, he gave so many answers to it that the questioner was dumbstruck and thus said: All the answers which you gave I don’t know any except for 3 therefore kindly repeat them again. He gave more answers but different ones, the questioner exclaimed: Wallah I have never heard such answers before, therefore kindly repeat them once more, He again gave many other answers, the questioner said: I have never heard these before, please dictate them to me. At this Junayd (rah) said: If I were giving those answers from myself then I would have made you write them, meaning these answers are those which Allah inspired on my heart and made my tongue say them, finally the questioner asked: From where did you get this knowledge? He answered: By sitting in the court of Allah (i.e. his bestowal) for 40 years and the correct thing is that he was on the way of Sufyan Thawri (rah) and Allah knows the best.

Junaid (rah) said: Our Madhab is based upon Quran and Sunnah, a person who does not read Quran but writes only Hadith then according to our way his ittiba should not be done. Someone saw a tasbih in his hand and asked him, Even after reaching this high stage you use Tasbih? He replied: I have found the way to Allah through this therefore I do not want to leave it. 

The Miraculous incident
Once a young Christian disguised as a Muslim came in his presence and asked him: What is the meaning of this saying of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam): “Beware of Momin’s insight as he sees with the Nur of Allah”.Hearding this (Junayd) lowered his head for sometime and then raised it saying: Your time to accept Islam has arrived therefore accept it. The youngster accepted Islam there and then. 


HAQ Baat part SHIA k Aqeede

SHIA LANATI..........


Tauheed (Oneness of ALLAH) 
The Noble Quran
Sahabah (RadhiALLAHu Anhum)
Noble Mothers of Ummah 
Signs of Qayamat 

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

The Existence is Infinite and ALLAH has encircled the Infinite Existence, and the Infinite existence has encircled all existent things, so there is no possibility of any other god beyond ALLAH. The existence of creatures is very weak before the Existence of ALLAH. When we and you cannot allow any other being to enter into our own limits of existence despite such weakness, then how ALLAH, with such a tremendous strength of existence, can allow any other god to enter into ALLAH's dominion ? In short, there is no space for any other god to enter the Divine Dominion. As such there is no rational possibility to believe in any other god beyond ALLAH. ALLAH is the origin of all creatures. He is alone the Master of all creations, man, angel, jinn etc. All creatures are the slaves and servants of ALLAH, the Lord of the Universe. So it is incumbent on every soul in the great Universe to recognize and acknowledge the Lordship of ALLAH, His Divine Unity and denounce all quarters of polytheism. He is free from all Sins, and never forgets any thing. But Shia don't believe in these supreme qualities of ALLAH. They implore and make supplication to ALLAH's slaves and worshippers rather than to Him alone, saying "O Ali! and "O Hussain!" and "O Zainab!" Similarly they make vows and sacrifice beasts in the name of others besides ALLAH. They request the dead to fulfill their needs as is shown by their prayers and poems. They consider their Imams to be infallible, to have knowledge of the unseen, and to partake In the administration of the universe. It is the Shia's who Invented Sufism (mysticism) to consecrate their deviated tenets and thus give them the air of legitimacy They claimed that there is special power and authority invested in the "Auliya" (mystic saints), "Aqtaab" (those considered to be the spiritual axes of the universe, which turns due to their exalted status), and Ahl-e-Bayt Shia's scholars and clergy impressed upon their followers the concept of a hereditary privileged class, as a matter of religion, although this has no foundation in Islam at all. Knowledge of ALLAH, is attained, according to them, through the exercise of reason, not by knowledge of divinely revealed law. That which came to us by way of revelation in the Quran merely represents an affirmation of reason's judgment, it is not considered to be a source which is independent of, and beyond the limits of reason (naozuBILLAH). The Shia's believe that to see ALLAH is not possible in this world nor in the Hereafter.

Belief of a Shia for Tauheed of ALLAH is:

1. "Bad'ah" ; ALLAH tells a lie. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.1, Page No. 148. A Shia doctrine.)

2. "Iman and Kufr"; Our obedience is Iman and our disobedience is infidelity, said by Imam Baqar. (Al-Shafi, translation of Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.2, Page No. 33)

3. "Refusal of Kalma Tayyibah". (Al-Shafi, translation of Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.2, Page No. 41)

4. Ali and Hasan, their obedience is obligatory. ; (Al-Shafi, translation of Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 42)

5. "Denial of the fundamental principle of Islam". (Al-Shafi, translation of Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No.30)

6. "Difference between ALLAH and Ali". (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 66)

7. Ali is God. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 66)

8. Imams are God. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 85)

9. "Denial of Tauheed". (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 3, Page No. 233)

10. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba maintained the indispensability of Imamat and claimed that Ali was the true lord. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 234)

11. We neither accept that God nor Prophet whose successor is Abu Bakr. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 278)

12. "Fourteen self created Gods of Shia". (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No. 2)

13. "A declaration of Ali's divine attributes". (Basair-ud-Darajat, Page No. 22)

14. "Possession of divine attributes by Imam". (Basair-ud-Darajat, Page No. 23)

15. "An acceptance of self created Kalma and insult of angels". (Riaz-ul-Masaib, Page No. 78)

16. "An acceptance of separate Kalma". (Asool-e-Shariat Fee Aqaid-ul-Shia't, Page No. 423)

17. "Explanation of self created Kalma". (Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Page No. 325)

18. "An acceptance of alteration in the Kalma Tayyibah". (Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 57)

19. To ask for help from Ali is not a polytheism but a way of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)". ( Hathi Kay Daant Khanay Kay Aur Dikhanay Kay Aur, Vol. No.2, Page No. 41)

20. Kalma Tayyibah without Ali Wali uLLAH is false. (Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Page No. 2)

21. When God becomes happy, He talks in Persian, when He becomes annoyed, talks in Arabic. (Tareekh-ul-Islam, Page No. 163)

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

ALLAH sent Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) as the last and final Prophet on the earth. No Prophet is being prophesized after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), either in Quran and in Hadith. The chain of "Wahi", messages sent by ALLAH through Hazrat Jibreel (a.s) on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) ended upon the death of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) in 11th Hijri. It is the utmost fact which cannot be denied by any of a single Muslim. The one who says that ALLAH prophesizes some else for any message or any "Wahi" to be bestowed upon him/her after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), denies the ending of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). That chap is not a Muslim, but a "Kafir". This is the pure belief of an every single Sunni Muslim. To be kept in mind that Shia believes in 12 Imams after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). They claim that knowledge of the unseen belongs solely to their Imams, and it is not for the Prophet to inform us about the unseen. Some Shia's have gone so far as to claim godhead for those Imams. Their believes towards the Imams are listed below but for a information to be kept by an every Sunni Muslim is the names of their false Imams to whom they consider their everything as discussed in the chapter of "Tauheed". Those are as follows:

Ali Murtaza, Hasan, Hussain, Zain-ul-Abideen, Muhammad Al Baqar, Jaffar Sadiq, Moosa Kazim, Ali Al Ridah, Al Taqi, Al Naqi, Hassan Askari and Mehdi.

But belief of a Shia for Imamat (false-Prophethood) is:

1. All Imams are equal in rank and status to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 270)

2. Follow the Imam when he is under the state of Taqi'ah. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 40)

3. Scriptures of God reveled to Imam. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 176)

4. We are the eyes of the God in his creature and the final authority in all human beings. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 145)

5. The Hujjat ( Ultimate proof ) of God can not be established without Imam. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 177)

6. "The declaration of Ali as Apostle hood". (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 197)

7. In the night of Power God sent yearly commandments of an Imam. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 248)

8. Imam knows his hour of death and his death is in his control. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1,Page No. 258)

9. According to Shia's nothing can remain hidden from the Imams, they have a complete knowledge of past, present and future. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 260)

10. Imam posses more attribute than a Prophet posses. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 388)

11. To hide secret and to weep on the operations of Imam is Jihad. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 226)

12. Fourteen Imams of Shia's ( infallible ), the masters of this Universe are desecration of all Prophets and Angels. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. 2, Page No. 29)

13. Imam Mehdi recited the Sura-e-Qadar before birth. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 475)

14. Hazrat Hussain said "By God Muawiyah is better than Shia's, they have tried to killed me". (Al-Ehtijaj, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 290)

15. Imam Mehdi will appear nude. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 341)

16. Imam Mehdi will kill all the Sunni Scholars. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No.527)

17. Imam Mehdi will bring new Shariat and commandments. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Vol. No. 10, Page No. 597)

18. Imam Mehdi will declare his Prophet hood. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Vol. No. 10, Page No. 550)

19. Shia Imam Mehdi will retaliate all the sins since Hazrat Adam (a.s) period. (Basair-ud-Darajat, Page No. 83)

20. An Angel revels on Imam in the night of power Shab-e-Qadar. Page No.569.

21. The Sun will rise from the west at the time of Imam Mehdi appearance. (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No. 585)

22. Imam will appear when only forty two Momins (Shia) will be left. (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No. 571)

23. Rule of Imam Mehdi and Shia doctrine. (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No.603)

24. Self created doctrine of Shia. (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No. 602)

25. All the angels will swear the allegiance of Imam Mehdi. (Shia faith) (Chawdah Sitaray, Page No. 594)

26. Imam talks before birth (Shia faith). (Ahsan-ul-Muqaal, Vol. 1, Page No. 327)

27. An Imam borns from Mother's thigh. (Ahsan-ul-Muqaal, Vol. 1, Page No. 325)

28. Yazeed Bin Muawiyah was the real uncle of Hazrat Ali Akbar bin Hussain (r.a). (Zabhan Azeem, Page No. 261)

29. There was no horse named Zuljinah in Karbala. (Zabhan Azeem, Page No. 223)

30. Yazeed was the name of Hazrat Hussain's son. (Tareekh-ul-Ayema, Page No. 83)

31. Abu Bakr and Umar was the names of Hazrat Hussain. (Tareekh-ul-Ayema, Page No. 83)

32. Taqi'ah is necessary and one who abundance is excluded from the religion of Imam. (Ehsan-ul-Fatawa Fee Shaeah-e-Aqaid, Page No. 26)

33. Hazrat Ali ( R.A. ) was the creature of Hazrat Jibreel. (Al Majalis Al Fakhra, Page No. 128)

34. Ali has also done Miraaj before Prophet (s.a.w). (Dewan-e-Jil Ehzan, Page No 38)

35. A rank of Ali Wilayat is higher than Prophet hood. (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, Page No. 52)

36. Imam possess authority to declare any thing lawful or unlawful. (Khilaqat-e-Norania, Page No. 155)

37. All Prophets were awarded prophet hood after the acceptance of Ali Wilayat. (Tareekh-e-Shia, Page No. 18)

38. Imamat is divine rank like Prophethood, he should be infallible every political in universe is subject to his command and obedience. (Tohfa Namaz-e-Jaffria, Page No. 28)

39. Imamat is equal to Prophethood. (Tohfa-tul-Awaam, Page No. 7)

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

But belief of a Shia for Quran is:

The present Quran is not the original Quran. To some of them, the Quran's authenticity is doubtful, and if it appears to contradict any of their sectarian beliefs or doctrines, then they give the Quranic text strange, far-fetched interpretations that agree with their sectarian views. For that reason they are called Al-Mutawwilah (those who give their own interpretations to the revealed texts). They love to draw attention to the discord that occurred at the time when the Quran was first compiled. The views and opinions of their Imams are the primary source of their jurisprudence.

1. There are seventeen thousand Ayah in real Quran. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 616)

2. The comparison between the Holy Quran and Shia's Quran. (which was compiled by Hazrat Ali R.A. and will be brought by Imam-e-Ghaib near Qayamat. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 123)

3. No one possess complete knowledge of Holy Quran except Imams. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 228)

4. "An alteration in the Holy Quran". (Tehzeeb-ul-Ahkaam, Vol. No. 7, Page No. 415)

5. "Changes in Quran for Drinker Khulafa-e-Rashideen". (Translation Of Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 479)

6. "Insult of Holy Quran". (Tohfa-tul-Awaam, Vol. No. 2, page No. 293)

7. Pakistan is mentioned in the Original Holy Quran, present Quran is meaningless. (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, Page No. 554)

8. Quran was ascended in four parts whereas present Quran is consist of three parts. (Shia Aur Tehreef-e-Quran, page No. 62)

9. Quran is altered corrupted and in perverted form (Shia belief). (Fatuhat-e-Shia, Page No. 129)

10. The present Quran is abridged where as the Original Quran is kept by Imam Mehdi. (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, Page No. 553)

11. "An acceptance of the belief of tempering of Holy Quran, insult of Abu Bakr (r.a)". (Ayat-ul-Qaloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 832)

12. Shaikheen (r.a) refused to accept the Quran which was compiled by Hazrat Ali (r.a). (Fasal-ul-Khitab, Page No. 64)

13. Quran was eaten by God. (Min Kitab-ul-Burhan Fee Tafseer-ul-Quran, Page No. 38)

14. Renegades changed the Original Holy Quran. (Quran Majeed by Hakeem Syed Maqbool, Page No. 1011)

15. "Un Islamic views of Holy Quran and revive of Abu Bakr". (Sheikh-e-Saqifa, Page No. 138)

16. The main compilers of Quran interpreted changed corrupted and perverted the Holy Quran. (Al-Ehtijaj, Page No. 257)

Companions (r.a)
"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for Companions (r.a) of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) is:

They charge that all save a few of the Companions had turned apostate after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). On the other hand, they grant the Companion "Ali bin Abi Talib" a very special status; some of them consider him vicegerent, and some view him as a Prophet, while others take him for a God! Shia's pass judgment on Muslims in accordance with their position with regards to "Ali". Whoever was elected caliph before "Ali" is held by them to be a tyrant, an apostate or a sinner. The same judgment is passed on every Muslim ruler who did not step down for any of the descendants of "Ali" and his wife "Fatima" (r.a). The Shia's have thus created an atmosphere of animosity throughout the history of Islam, and the question of partisanship of Ahl-e-Bayt developed into a school of thought which preached and perpetuated such detrimental teachings down through the generations.
1. "An insulting remarks against Hazrat Talha and Hazrat Zubair (r.a)". (Asool Kaafi, Page No. 345)

2. Sahabah (r.a) became infidel by denying the divine right (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali. First three caliph and other Sahabas became infidel by denying the divine right of (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali. (Asool Kaafi, Page No. 420)

3. After the said demised of the Prophet, all Sahabah turned apostate except four. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 43)

4. Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) could not recite Kalma at the time of his death. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 211)

5. Shaitan was the first to sworn the oath of allegiance from Abu Bakr in the mosque. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 30)

6. It is infidelity (Kufr) to doubt about the infidelity (Kufr) of Hazrat Umar. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 63)

7. "Verdict of infidelity on first three caliphs". (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Page No. 81)

8. Those who deny the first of Hazrat Ali Caliphate are infidels. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 3, Page No. 264)

9. "An insulting remarks against Hazrat Umar". (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No 1, Page No. 82)

10. Abu Bakr and Umar were more tyrant than Shaitan. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 509)

11. Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar among seven doors of the hell. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 500)

12. Abu Bakr and Umar are the human and pharos of this Ummah. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 374)

13. Imam Mehdi will order, the digging out from grave, the dead bodies of Shaikheen, make them alive and will be punished. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 371)

14. First three Caliphs were tyrant (an allegation). (Tehqeeq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 468)

15. Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Muawiyah are like idols, they are worst of all the creatures of God. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 519)

16. "An allegation of hypocrisy on Caliphs". (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 528)

17. "A curse to Shaikheen and their companions till Qayamat". (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 159)

18. Abu Bakr and Umar will be scourge with stripes. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 464)

19. Imam Mehdi will dig out Shaikheen from their graves and will punish them. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 475)

20. Shaikheen will be the companions of Namrood, Firaun, and Haman in the Hell. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 522)

21. He who prefer Abu Bakr and Umar than Ali, is Naasbi (Sunni). (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 521)

22. All the Sahabah were infidel except three. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 923)

23. "Blame of adultery on Hazrat Usman (r.a)". (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 723)

24. He who make doubt in the infidelity of Hazrat Umar is infidel. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 842)

25. Those who swore allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr were hypocrites. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 1027)

26. To accurse Shaikheen, Ayesha, Hinda and Umm-ul-Hakm during prayer is obligatory. (Aain-ul-Hayat, Page No. 599)

27. "Resemblance of Abu Bakr with Saamry (Magician)". (Tazkara-tul-Ayema, Page No. 33)

28. Abu Bakr was the calf of the Bani Israel and Umar Saamry. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Page No. 629)

29. Shia Imam Mehdi will order to hang the dead bodies of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar. (Basair-ud-Darajat, Page No. 81)

30. Imam Mehdi will exhume the bodies of Hazrat Abu Bakr & Hazrat Umar. (Basair-ud-Darajat, Page No. 80)

31. Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar were the followers of Shaitan. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 674)

32. In Holy Quran (Fahsha) refers to Abu Bakr, (Munkir) refers to Umar, and (Baghi) refers to Usman. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 551)

33. Sahabas turned apostates except Hazrat Miqdad, Hazrat Salman Farsi and Hazrat Abu Zar. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 134)

34. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the first person who embraced Shaitan's religion. (Charagh-e-Mustafvi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 18)

35. Abu Bakr used to have abusive language. (Sheikh-e-Saqifa, Page No. 148)

36. Shia should keep fast (roza) of thanks to celebrate the day of Umar's death on every 9th Rabi-ul-Awwal. (Zaad-ul-Meyad, Page No. 404)

37. To invoke curse on Umar, Ayesha, died on 22nd Rajab, all Shia's must keep fast to celebrate that day. (Zaad-ul-Meyad, Page No. 34)

38. Hazrat Umar was born by committing fornication with real daughter. (Tanzia-ul-Insaab Fee Sheikh-ul-Ashaab, Page No. 23)

39. The father of Hazrat Usman was impotent and mother was prostitute. (Tanzia-ul-Insaab Fee Sheikh-ul-Ashaab, Page No. 66)

40. According to different Shia Book's, Umar was Sodomist. (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 434)

41. Umar was impudent to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 435)

42. The Sahabah are mentioned as criminal, and hypocrite. (Fasal-ul-Khitab, Page No. 21)

43. Assimilation of Shaikheen's Caliphate with penis of an ass. (Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Hanfia Dar Jawab Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Jaffria, Page No. 72)

44. A worst impudent of Sahabah writes that by writing the names of Shaikheen on testis, ejaculation can not take place. (Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Hanfia Dar Jawab Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Jaffria, Page No. 250)

45. Sunni were Sodomist like Umar. (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 122)

46. The Sahabah are perpetual inhabitants of Hell, how can their guidance lead us to right path ?. (Ahsan-ul-Fawaid Fee Sharah-ul-Aqaid, Page No. 356)

47. The first three Caliphs were Liars and were denial of doomsday. (Ahsan-ul-Fawaid Fee Sharah-ul-Aqaid, Page No. 599)

48. An allegation on Muawiyah of committing Zina (fornication) with his sister. (Yazeediat Bokhla Utthe, Page No. 126)

49. Sahabah are mentioned as dogs of Hell. (Manazara-e-Hussainia, Page No. 76)

50. He who hate first three Caliphs, will be destined to paradise. (Noor-e-Iman, Page No. 321)

Noble Mothers (r.a) of Ummah
"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for Noble Mothers (r.a) of Ummah is:

Shia's insult for the Umm-ul-Momineen's, the wives of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), the Noble Mothers of Ummah, is quite obvious for the Muslims. Let have some examples from their Holy books of Hadith and history.

1. All the people rejected Islam after the death of the Prophet except three. Miqdad, Abu Zar and Salman Farsi. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 134)

2. When Our Qaim (12th Imam) gets up, Humira (Ayesha) will be raised from the dead so as to be whipped her due punishment, and so as to avenge the daughter of Muhammad (s.a.w), Fatima. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 108)

3. When our Qaim (12th Imam) shall come back, he will bring Ayesha to life so as to torment her to avenge Fatima. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 139)

4. "An accusation of poisoning to Prophet by Ayesha and Hafsa". (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 118)

5. "An Allegation of insulting Ali by Fatima". (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 203)

6. Ayesha was an infidel women. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 726)

7. Imam Mehdi will punish Ayesha with strips. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 901)

8. "Un Islamic reviews about Ayesha". (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 879)

9. Ayesha and Hafsa were hypocrite and infidel women. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 900)

10. "Ayesha was hypocrite". (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Page No. 867)

11. Ayesha was charged of committing open vulgarity. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 840)

12. "An allegation of insulting Ali by a Qureshi women. (Behar-ul-Anwaar, Vol. No. 3, Page No. 64)

13. "A self created allegation on Ayesha". (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 272)

14. "Revile of Ayesha". (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 271)

15. "An insult of Ayesha and Muawiyah". (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 65)

16. Ayesha was not an American or European lady. (Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Hanfia Dar Jawab Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Jaffria, Page No. 64)

17. Hafsa was an indecent women. (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 123)

19. "Humiliation and insult of Ayesha". (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 334)

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia on Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) is:

The Shia's reject all Prophetic Traditions which were not related by members of Ahl-e-Bayt or their descendants. The only exception to this rule is their acceptance of a few Hadiths (Ahadith) narrated by those who sided with Ali (r.a) in his political wars. They do not attend to the authenticity and soundness of the chain of narrators, nor do they approach the study of the Prophetic Traditions with a scientific, critical attitude. Their narrations often appear in a form like that of the following example: "It has been reported regarding Muhammad Bin Ismail by way of some of our friends through a man who transmitted it from him (Ali) that he said..." Their books are filled with hundreds of thousands of traditions whose authenticity cannot be confirmed". They have built their religion specifically upon these spurious texts while outright rejecting over three quarters of the authentic Prophetic Traditions. They don't accept the Hadith books of Saha-e-Satta of all Muslims. The reason behind this is that our Hadith books reflects the true Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) which were the utmost and the desirable facts for the Muslim Ummah all times. Due to their believes on the Oneness of ALLAH, Imamat, Prophethood, Sahabah (r.a), Noble mothers of Ummah and Quran etc. as discussed previous, is an open Kufr in front of all Muslim Ummah. The true Islam started from the 1400 years back, they are not accepting this as far as their believes are concerned. The main thing to be noticed is that for all the Muslim Ummah, renowned Sahabah (r.a) and the narrators of Hadith books of Ahl-e-Sunnat, are being the Ma'loon for them as far as they say that only 3-4 Sahabah (r.a) followed the Islam truly (naozuBILLAH). As Hadith books of Ahl-e-Sunnat is being full of the narrations by all the Sahabah (r.a) especially Hazrat Abu Huraira (r.a), Hazrat Ibn-e-Umar (r.a), Hazrat AbduLLAH bin Masood (r.a) and many others. Hazrat Abu Huraira in the name of Ahl-e-Sunnat are "Haafiz-ul-Hadith" because he learned about 5,374 Ahadith from the words of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). The major part of the Hadith work comprises of the Hadiths narrated by Him (r.a). But when we see the Hadith books of Shia's, no where any Hadith is being narrated by any Sahabah and Hazrat Abu Huraira (r.a) except the that 3-4 Sahabah (r.a) who are being mentioned as the pure Momins after the death of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). The Hadith books of Shia's are:

Asool Kaafi, Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Jila-ul-Ayoun, Hayat-ul-Quloob etc. from which all the Muslims are even not aware of. When we see these books and go through them, got to know the various sayings (false) of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and the sayings of Imam. Apart from this every thing is being discussed previously in the specified topics of belief.

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for fortune of ALLAH is:

As we see Shia people who seek help from other than ALLAH asking for help: O Hussain!, O Ali!, O Mehdi!, and perhaps, O Abbas…! They appeal for help from the afore mentioned relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) to assist them obtain their needs, or to help them remove lessen whatever overburdens them. Indeed the Shia's adherents do love excessively members of the Prophetic Household (s.a.w.w) without observing the fact that they are mere humans and not gods. It should be borne in mind that mankind, can neither inflict anybody with harm nor confer benefit to him whatever their ranks and prestige may be in the sight of ALLAH. For only ALLAH can cause harm or bring benefit to us. Some of the Shia accounts have dedicated duties to each one of their Imams as regards conferring of benefits and infliction of harm to people. They thus said;" As far as Ali Bin Hussain is concerned, his name shall be invoked to save people from tyrannical kings as well as from the evil whispering of the Devil". Muhammad Bin Ali and Jaffar Bin Muhammad, will be responsible for saving the Shia adherents from the Hell-Fire on the Day of Judgment, and to guide people to the true way of worshipping Allah the Omnipotent and obeying His commandments. Musa Bin Jaffar, was assigned the duty of mediation to ALLAH for those who seek good health from Him. Whereas the duty assigned to Ali Bin Musa was to mediate to ALLAH for people who seek safety when navigating or sailing in the sea and those who travel on the mainland. As regards Muhammad Bin Ali, through him sustenance will be proceeding from ALLAH. While through Ali Bin Muhammad's name, the optional acts of devotion, nice treatment of brothers toward each other, and all the other acts of obedience and worship of ALLAH will be accepted. Regarding Hassan bin Ali, his duty and obligation is to serve the Shia adherents in the hereafter. Whereas the responsibility of the Custodian of Time, is to rescue the people who are about to be stabbed to death, if they appeal for his assistance. There then came the author of the book named Behar-ul-Anwaar, (Seas of the Lights). He illustrated in his book the supplication to be said earnestly when appealing for the aid of the Imams within the scope of their duties and obligations as elaborated above. In this respect, Mulla Baqar Majlisi, one of the prominent Shia Scholars, concluded that the above mentioned cults are the greatest medicine and means of cure for whosoever intercedes with them. As such, the Shia Scholars prescribed supplications (Ad'iyah), with regard to the aforementioned pattern of placing their hope in their Imams (religious leaders) and seeking their assistance. Hence, they do turn to their Imams for aid when in distress and invoke their names respectively. This is done in response to their awaited Imam's narrative, in the following text, "O pillars of the countries, gates of faith, and granters of donations, it is decreed that by you the distressed and destitute will be saved. Nothing can happen without you being a reason and an obvious way towards its occurrence. There is neither deliverance nor resort from fear except by taking shelter in you, and there is no way we can dispense with you… O eyes of God that never relent". (Behar-ul-Anwaar, 37-94). Muslims are well aware that the Shia adherents do not exalt their Imams to the rank of divinity and claim they are gods. Besides, they regard it as a big enormity. However, we cannot conceal the reality that, while they do not deify their Imams, they, in the long run bestow lavishly upon them distinctive attributes of divinity in one way or the other. Thus invoking ALLAH by mentioning their names, has become a means by which their prayers and supplications are accepted to ALLAH according to their belief. Whereas ALLAH says in the Holy Quran;

"The most beautiful names belong to ALLAH, so call on Him by them…". ( 7: 180 ) Al-Quran.

However, belief in their religious leadership (Imamat) has become a precondition of getting the acts of devotion of the Shia adherents accepted by ALLAH. Whereas in Islam, the criterion by which our acts of devotion are accepted or rejected, is the Unity of ALLAH (Tauheed ULLAH) and sincerity to Him. How often do you hear some of the Shia adherents repeat, "O Ali provide supplies! O Hussain, rescue us! While others abide by the grave of Imam Ridah, crying and rubbing along his tomb, kissing it and either invoke his name or swear their fealty thereat". Then after that he says unashamedly, "I do not worship him; i.e. any of the afore mentioned Imams. This fact is embodied in their dictum, "Call upon Ali, the revealer of wonders". When you ask such people, "Do you worship Ali? They categorically deny it. Whereas they call upon his name appealing for aid from him in obtaining their most demanding needs. It is crystal clear as stated in the Holy Quran that the mighty messengers of ALLAH used to invoke and supplicate to ALLAH, the Exalted in Might, by mentioning His name and attributes that confirm His Unity. Never did they pray to Him by mentioning the names of the Shia Imams. ALLAH says in the Holy Quran regarding Prophet Yunus (a.s),

"… but he cried through the depths of darkness: "There is no god but Thou: Glory to Thee: I was indeed wrong". ( 21 : 87 ) Al-Quran.

Another proof to the afore mentioned fact are the words of repentance that ALLAH revealed to Prophet Adam (a.s), They said,

"Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: if thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost". ( 7 : 23 ) Al-Quran.

Signs of Qayamat
"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for Signs of Qayamat is:

That their 12th Imam will come out from the cave of "Sura Man Raye", in Iraq, near the Qayamat. Let have a look of this belief;

The promised Mehdi, who is usually mentioned by his title of Imam-e-Asr (the Imam of the "Period") and Sahib al-Zaman (the Lord of the Age), is the son of the eleventh Imam. His name is the same as that of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). He was born in Samarah in 256-868 and until 260-872 when his father was martyred, lived under his father's care and guidance. Sayyada Hakima who was the sister of the 10th Imam (Imam Taqi) relates that she went to her nephew's (11th Imam, Imam Hassan Askari) house for Iftaar on the 14th of Shaban 255 A.H. The 11th Imam asked her to stay as his son was to be born soon. There was no sign of pregnancy on Sayyada Narjis. The 11th Imam asked her to recite Surat-ul-Qadr on Sayyada Narjis. At the time of Fajr on 15th Shaban Sayyada Hakima heard the Surat being recited from the womb of Sayyada Narjis. The 11th imam told her that the birth would occur very soon. As soon as the 12th Imam was born he did Sajdah and proclaimed the oneness of ALLAH and the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). The last Imam was hidden from public view and only a few of the elite among the Shia were able to meet him. After the martyrdom of his father he became Imam and by Divine Command went into occultation (Ghaybat). What is this Ghaybat? It is discussed below. Thereafter he appeared only to his deputies (Naib) and even then only in exceptional circumstances. The Imam's Ghaybat (occultation) was in two phases, Ghaybat-e-Sughra (minor occultation) was for about 69 years, 260 A.H. (872 A.D.) to 329 A.H. (939 A.D.) and the Ghaybat-e-Kubra (greater occultation) started in 329 A.H. (939 A.D.) and will continue until ALLAH (s.w.t) so wills. The 6th Imam, Sadiq states the reason of the Ghaybat as prevention against being killed. Ishaq Bin Yaqoob (on authority from 12th Imam) says that all the Imams were under oppressive rulers. Our 12th Imam is hidden in order to rise in arms with obedience to no one. Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Kulayni, the author of Asool Kaafi, said that Ghaybat is a test from ALLAH to test the steadfastness of belief in Imam. What is the view of Ghaybat-e-Kubra?. It is that Imam's Ghaybat is described by the Ayema like that of Prophet Yusuf (a.s) who was amongst His brothers yet they did not recognize him. Imam is known to meet a believer on 3 occasions:

1. At the time of trouble.
2. He is present at every Hajj.
3. He attends the funeral of every believer who has no religious obligations pending on him/her e.g. Khums.

During this time he continues to guide. Numerous letters have been received from him by (to quote a few) Ishaq Bin Yaqoob, Sheikh Mufeed...
"It is reported that 30 people all over the world meet with him regularly". "It is also reported that Jazira-tul-Khadra (green islands or Bermuda Triangle) is a vast land in Imam's kingdom occupied by a large number of Shia and governed by Imam's family". Following are the responsibilities in the state of Ghaybat-e-Kubra;

1. Pray for the safety of Imam at all time.

2. Be in waiting for Imam at all times.

3. Give Sadqa for Imam.

4. Pray for his re-appearance.

5. Whenever faced with difficulty (whether small or big), don't ask the help from ALLAH, but ask for assistance from Imam.

6. Whenever his name is heard or recited, one should stand if possible, send Salams on him, put hand on head and bow.

7. If possible perform Hajj/Umrah for Imam. (Hajj must be done after own Wajibaat).

When this Imam will come out from that cave? Lets have a look on their belief;

"The actual time of appearance is only known by ALLAH". However various indications have been given by our Ayema.

1. It will be the day of Friday.

2. It will be the 10th of Muharram.

3. The century will be an odd number.

4. There will be both a solar and lunar eclipse (Chaand Girhan and Sooraj Girhan) in the month of Ramadan but contrary to all norms and calculations.

5. A voice will be heard announcing the appearance of Imam which will be heard by all in their own language.

6. Imam Ali related to Saasa Bin Sawhaan, that the 12th Imam will appear when;

1. There will be a loud noise from the sky with which the eardrums will pierce.

2. Nasibian (Sunni's) of Iraq will burn on all four sides.

3. Basra will be abandoned.

4. Turkey will be ruled by Usmani's.

5. People will usurp that which they are trusted with.

6. People will kill the Salaa. (It will not be abandoned but its essence destroyed).

7. People will carry music in their pockets.

On the 25th Zul Hajj, the announcement will be made and the announcer killed (this is the blood of Nafs-e-Zakiya pure soul, those whose blood will touch the Kaaba and who is mentioned in numerous prophecies). His blood will be avenged 2 weeks later when Imam will appear himself at the Kaaba.

1. Those who answer the first call will be 313 in number.

2. Imam's army will consist of 10.000 Momineen.

3. Imam will establish his government in Kufa and his treasury in Masjid-us-Sahla.

When the Imam will come what will happen and why? Lets have a look for also this false traditions;

Other Prophets (a.s) will join the Imam. Eesa (a.s), Khizr (a.s), Ilyas (a.s) and Idrees (a.s) will give allegiance to the Imam, when he reapers. Also Jibreel (a.s.) will announce 313 companions of the Imam. These 313 companions will be people of eminent piety, great knowledge and absolutely steadfast in their determination and faith towards the Imam and true Shia. Another 1000 people will be in the army of the Imam who will fight battles and kill enemies like Dajjal, who will appear from India. Dajjal will have the musical tunes with him.

So this was a short belief of the Imam (12th) near the signs of Qayamat for the Shia's. Let us see when He will come out from the cave and will kill the Nasibi (Sunni's).

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for Taqi'ah is:

They all agree that Taqi'ah is a prescribed duty and a pillar of their faith. Their schools of thought could not stand without it. They learn its principles and methods and they practice it, especially if they are in dire circumstances. They exaggeratedly praise and flatter those whom they consider disbelievers, whom they consider deserving of slaughter and destruction. The verdict of Kufr is passed on anyone who is not of their sectarian school, and for them "the end justifies the means". Their ethics allow every manner of lying, cunning and deception.

The word Taqi'ah literally means that concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical or mental injury. A one-word translation would be "Dissimulation." The above definition must be elaborated upon before any undertaking of this topic is to ensue. Although correct, the definition suffers from an apparent generalization, and lacks some fundamental details that should be construed. First, the Concealment of one's beliefs does not necessitate an Abandonment of these beliefs. The distinction between "concealment" and "abandonment" must be noted here. Second, there are numerous exceptions to the above definition, and they must be judged according to the situation that one is placed in. As such, one should not make a narrow-minded generalization that encompasses all situations, thereby failing to fully absorb the spirit of the definition. Third, the word "beliefs" or "convictions" does not necessarily mean "religious" beliefs or convictions. With the above in mind, it becomes evident that a better, and more accurate definition of Taqi'ah is "diplomacy". The true spirit of it is better embodied in the single word "diplomacy" because it encompasses a comprehensive spectrum of behaviors that serve to further the vested interests of all parties involved.

Apart from all this defination the main theme of Taqi'ah is:

It is an act of pure hypocrisy that serves to conceal the truth and reveal that which is the exact opposite (of the truth). Furthermore, according to Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Taqi'ah constitutes a lack of faith and trust in ALLAH (s.w.t) because the person who conceals his beliefs to spare himself from eminent danger is fearful of humans, when in fact, he should be fearful of ALLAH only. As such, this person is a coward by the rules of Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). The main theme for this Taqi'ah is that to hide the beliefs from all Sunnis and to be with them and disturb their concepts and to cut the roots of their belief. This is because most of the population about 90% is of Sunni's in the entire world. Just to see what they have done with our Islam since 1400 years, just because of this Taqi'ah is;

1. To take the names of the Ahl-e-Bayt from the name of Imam, as Hazrat Hussain (r.a) as Imam Hussain, Hazrat Hassan (r.a) as Imam Hassan.

2. To make a doubt for the character of Hazrat Muawiyah (r.a).

3. Made so much false stories against Karbala that not 5% Sunni Muslims really know what actually happened in Karbala.

4. Made Yazeed a culprit in the eyes of all Sunni's that no one dare to keep the name of his son as Yazeed.

5. As by the Sahih Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), the coming of Hazrat Mehdi (r.a) from Saudi Arabia, made that issue as the coming of Imam Mehdi for which most of the Sunni's (Muslims) even not aware of.

Apart from all this, the Taqi'ah is not any belief of a Muslim from any sense. It may be enquired from any renowned Scholar of any Islamic University (Madrasa). It is not the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and not the path on which Sahabah (r.a) been. May ALLAH, bless with His bounty and let us to be away from this Shar of the Shia's. Ameen!

"I believe in ALLAH, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and in the fact that every thing good or bad (in the world) is pre-destined by ALLAH the Exalted, and in the resurrection after death."

Belief of a Shia for Mut'ah is:

As in the days before the battle of Khaibar, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) permitted the use of temporary marriage. Narrated Salama Bin Al-Akwa (r.a):

"In the year of Autas, ALLAH's Messenger permitted a temporary marriage for three nights, but He prohibited it afterwards". (Muslim)

Unfortunately the Shia's had conveniently forgotten the part where it was forbidden and have fabricated many lies trying to justify this clear Haram act....

Narrated Ali (r.a):

1. ALLAH's Messenger forbade the temporary marriage in the year of Khaibar. (Muslim, Bukhari)

2. At the battle of Khaibar, the Prophet forbade the temporary marriage (Mut'ah) of women, and the eating of the flesh of domestic asses. (Bukhari, Muslim, Masnad Ahmed, Nisai, Tirimzi, Ibn-e-Majah)

Narrated Rabi Bin Sabra on the authority of His father that ALLAH's Messenger said:

"I had permitted you the temporary marriage of women, but ALLAH has prohibited you from that till the day of Resurrection. So if anyone has a woman by temporary marriage he should let her go; and do not take back any of your gifts from them". (Muslim, Abu Daood, Nisai, Ibn-e-Majah)

Anyone with the right mind can see that temporary marriage is clearly forbidden, but again the Shia have rejected all Hadiths in this matter and still continue to follow their desires, even if it is Zina (fornication, adultery etc.). Muslims can not compare the above Hadiths with some fabricated lies from the Shia's Hadith:

Khomeini stated in his book "Tahir-ul-Wasila", Vol. 2, Page No. 292, "Temporary marriage can be for one day, a night, and even just a few hours!. But for Khomeini, that was not enough so he further states in the same book on Page No. 292, "Temporary marriage can be performed with harlots and prostitutes". According to the Shia's, lie was attributed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w):

Muhammad said: "One who performs Mut'ah (temporary marriage) once will attain the rank of Imam Hussain, one who performs it twice will attain the rank of Imam Hassan, one who performs it thrice will attain the rank of Imam Ali and one who performs it four times will attain my rank". (Tafseer Mihaj-ul-Siddiqeen, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 356)

This is the lowest the Shia can get when sleeping with a prostitute and get instant Paradise. However for the Shia this can never be enough... . They have still worse to come. Infact the amount of Shia references would be enough to fill a book on this subject.. as the Shia indeed try at every step to justify this forbidden act. In the same Shia book mentioned above, it is written in clear words that the number of women that a person can be engaged with in temporary marriage at the same time is unlimited. May ALLAH guide and protect us from this and all the other Shia filth that they try to enforce upon us. Any good out of this, is from ALLAH and any error in this is from ourselves and Shaitan.


HAQ Baat part Virtues and Powers of Friends of Allah

Virtues and Powers of Friends of Allah.
Allah said in Quran:

إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاَةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ

Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم , and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and they bow down.

There is an hadith is there in virtue of Hazrat Ali R.A regarding Shan-e-Nazul of this verse:

عن عمار بن ياسر رضي الله عنه، يقول: وقف على علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه سائل وهو راكع في تطوع، فنزع خاتمه فأعطاه السائل، فأتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، فأعلمه ذالك، فنزلت على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم هذه الآية: {إنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللهُ وَرَسُوْله وَالَّذِيْنَ آمَنُوا الَّذِيْنَ يُقِيْمُوْنَ الصَّلاةَ وَيُؤْتُوْنَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُوْنَ} فقرأها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، ثم قال: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه، اللهم! وال من والاه، وعاد من عاداه.


It is narrated by ‘Ammār bin Yāsir (رضی اللہ عنہ) that a beggar came up to ‘Alī (رضی اللہ عنہ) and stood beside him. He رضی اللہ عنہ was kneeling in prayer. He رضی اللہ عنہ pulled out his ring and he gave the ring to the beggar. Then ‘Alī (رضی اللہ عنہ) called on the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) and told him the news. At this occasion, this verse was revealed to him: (Surely your (helping) friend is Allāh and His Messenger and (along with them) are the believers who establish prayers, pay zakāh and bow down (in humility before Allāh (SWT)). Allāh’s Messenger (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) read out the verse and said: One who has me as his master has ‘Alī as his master. O Allāh! Be his friend who befriends him (‘Alī) and be his enemy who is his enemy.”


1. Tabarānī related it in al-Mu‘jam-ul-awsat (7:129, 130 # 6228), al-Mu‘jam-ul-kabīr (4:174 # 4053; 5:195, 203, 204 # 5068, 5069, 5092, 5097), and in al-Mu‘jam-us-saghīr (1:65).
2. Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it in al-Musnad (1:119; 4:372);
3. Hākimal-Mustadrak (3:119, 371 # 4576, 5594);
4. Diyā’ Maqdisīal-Ahādīth-ul-mukhtārah (2:106, 174 # 480, 553);
5. HaythamīMajma‘-uz-zawā’id (7:17), Mawārid-uz-zam’ān (p.544 # 2205);
6. Ibn AthīrAsad-ul-ghābah fī ma‘rifat-is-sahābah (2:362; 3:487);
7. HindīKanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:332, 333 # 31662; 13:104, 169 # 36340, 36511);
8. Khatīb Baghdādī in Tārīkh Baghdad (7:377).
9. Hindī has written in Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:609 # 32950):

• Tabarānī related this tradition from Abū Hurayrah (رضی اللہ عنہ) and twelve Companions (RA),
• Imām Ahmad bin Hambal has related it from Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī (رضی اللہ عنہ) and a larger number of Companions (RA).
 Hākim has narrated it from ‘Alī (رضی اللہ عنہ) and Talhah (رضی اللہ عنہ) in al-Mustadrak. Imām Ahmad bin Hambal and Tabarānī have related this tradition from ‘Alī, Zayd bin Arqam and thirty Companions (RA).
• Abū Nu‘aym has copied it from Sa‘d in Fadāil-us-sahābah and Khatīb Baghdādī has copied it from Anas (رضی اللہ عنہ) .
 Khatīb Baghdādī has copied it in Tārīkh Baghdad (12:343) from ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Abbās (رضی اللہ عنہ) along with the words:
من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه.
One who has me as his master has ‘Alī as his master.

Now question that comes in to mind here is that:
How these Believers the friends of Allah (Auliya-Allah) help from grave ?
How can they listen from far distance ?
How can they see so long ?

Before answering these Questions I’ll like to quote a hadith (actually it is Hadith-e-Qudsi) from Sahih Bukhari Shreef.

Bukhari sharif Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him."

حضرت ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ حضور نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا : اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے : جو میرے کسی ولی سے دشمنی رکھے میں اُس سے اعلانِ جنگ کرتا ہوں اور میرا بندہ ایسی کسی چیز کے ذریعے میرا قرب نہیں پاتا جو مجھے فرائض سے زیادہ محبوب ہو اور میرا بندہ نفلی عبادات کے ذریعے برابر میرا قرب حاصل کرتا رہتا ہے یہاں تک کہ میں اس سے محبت کرنے لگتا ہوں اور جب میں اس سے محبت کرتا ہوں تو میں اس کا کان بن جاتا ہوں جس سے وہ سنتا ہے اور اس کی آنکھ بن جاتا ہوں جس سے وہ دیکھتا ہے اور اس کا ہاتھ بن جاتا ہوں جس سے وہ پکڑتا ہے اور اس کا پاؤں بن جاتا ہوں جس سے وہ چلتا ہے۔ اگر وہ مجھ سے سوال کرتا ہے تو میں اسے ضرور عطا کرتا ہوں اور اگر وہ میری پناہ مانگتا ہے تو میں ضرور اسے پناہ دیتا ہوں۔ میں نے جو کام کرنا ہوتا ہے اس میں کبھی اس طرح متردد نہیں ہوتا جیسے بندۂ مومن کی جان لینے میں ہوتا ہوں۔ اسے موت پسند نہیں اور مجھے اس کی تکلیف پسند نہیں۔

First of all note the starting words, Allah Said : I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. So it’s just a warning to those who deny the virtues the powers and the status of friends of Allah, and disrespect them and consider them as ordinary person. So those who keep these views regarding friends of Allah, Allah declare war against them.

Allah said :

1. I become his sense of hearing with which he hears
2. his sense of sight with which he sees
3. his hand with which he grips
4. his leg with which he walks

Always remember Allah is pak from hand, legs eyes etc, now what these word here mean ? for this I will explain it with two very simple examples if u concentrate and read it, you will easily be able to understand these words. Before moving on to explanation of Hadith-e-Qudsi, let us see Powers of a Wali (Asif Bin Berkhia) of Hazrat Sulaiman A.S Ummah, who was blessed with little knowledge of Book.

[Surah Naml:38--40]
When Hazrat Sulaiman A.S asked who can bring the Takht (throne) of Queen of Saba, then Asif Bin Berkhia a Wali who was blessed with little knowledge of Book, bring that takht within the twinkling of an eye! and the distance from court of Hazrat Sulaiman A.S and capital of saba (where that throne was) is not less than 1500 miles, and the throne was not lying in a jungle from where it had just to be fetched. It lay in a queen's palace, which must have been well-guarded, and in the absence of the queen it must have been kept in a secure place.

As in verse :
(پھر) ایک ایسے شخص نے عرض کیا جس کے پاس (آسمانی) کتاب کا کچھ علم تھا کہ میں اسے آپ کے پاس لا سکتا ہوں قبل اس کے کہ آپ کی نگاہ آپ کی طرف پلٹے (یعنی پلک جھپکنے سے بھی پہلے)، پھر جب (سلیمان علیہ السلام نے) اس (تخت) کو اپنے پاس رکھا ہوا دیکھا (تو) کہا: یہ میرے رب کا فضل ہے تاکہ وہ مجھے آزمائے کہ آیا میں شکر گزاری کرتا ہوں یا نا شکری، اور جس نے (اللہ کا) شکر ادا کیا سو وہ محض اپنی ہی ذات کے فائدہ کے لئے شکر مندی کرتا ہے اور جس نے ناشکری کی تو بیشک میرا رب بے نیاز، کرم فرمانے والا ہے،

One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: "I will bring it to you within the twinkling of an eye!" then when (Sulaiman (Solomon)) saw it placed before him, he said: "This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful!

So just see, jisay kuch Ilm dia gaya us ki powers or Ikhtayarat or authorities ka ye alam hai kay he bought that throne from thousand miles within twinkling of an eye!!

And Hazrat Sulaiman A.S said on this karamat that this is Allah's Fazal. Now just Imagine jis per Book ka sara ilm nazil huwa, jisay Allah nay Fazal-e-Azeem (sab say bara fazal) say nawaza us ki powers or authorities or us kay knowledge ka koi insaan andaza nahi laga sakta.

Jis per Kuch fazal huwa, jis per fermaya :This is by the Grace of my Lord us nay itni azeem-o-shan takat ka muzahira kia, tou jis per Fazal-e-Azeem hai,
Allah said 4:113:

وَكَانَ فَضْلُ اللّهِ عَلَيْكَ عَظِيما
And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you (O Muhammad صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم). ..
now can anyone in this universe even imagine the Powers and highness of Knowledge of Prophet صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم ?

Now we’ll see how these Auliya, the friends of Allah help from grave and how the get the power ?

Explanation of Hadith Bukhari sharif Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509
Example No.1:

Take a piece of Iron, and put it into fire. Now you know it very well that iron (loha) has no power to burn things. Iron in normal state cannot burn others. But when placed in fire and when it got red, now it has the power the ability to burn things. It is still same piece of Iron, but why it is now able to burn other things ? just because this piece of iron has put itself to fire, fire has given it his power of burning to Iron, now iron can also burn others. In urdu we say “iron nay apnay aap ko aag may fana kerdia, tou aag nay apni qualities iron mai daal deen jis say ab iron bhee dosri cheez ko jalanay kay kabil bangia.”

So kia iron fire ban gia ? or fire iron ban gaee ?
Nahi, iron, iron hai…aag aag hai, sirif huwa kia, aag nay apni quality apni property to burn iron ko bhee daydee, yani fire ki quality (to burn things) is appearing from a piece of iron.

So similarly Auliya Allah the friends of Allah doing worship and performing lots of Nawafil, they kill there nafs, wo apnay aap ko Allah ki zaat may fana kerdaytay hain. Phir un say Allah ki sifaat ka zahor(izhar) hota hai.

They do not become Allah! Just like iron does not became fire. Sirif hota ye hai kay Allah ki qualities ka zahor in Auliya say hota hai. That is why from hadith, Eye is of that wali that pious man, but power of watching is of Allah, ear is of that pious man, but power of hearing is of Allah, hand is still of that pious worshipper, but power in those hand is power of Allah, they do not become Allah (Naozobillah) but they become Mazhar (means zahir honay ki jaga) of Qualities of All-Mighty Allah.

Yani un ki bashri sifaat magloob hojateen hain or Allah ki sifaat ghalib aajateen hain.
When I pious worshipper the friend of Allah reached at this state, this stage is called Muqam-e-Faqr, or fana-fillah.

And Holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم said about it:
الفقر فخری والفقر منی
Translation: "Faqr is my pride and Faqr is my heritage".

That is why Allah called Prophet’s صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم hand His Hand :
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُبَايِعُونَكَ إِنَّمَا يُبَايِعُونَ اللَّهَ يَدُ اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ فَمَن نَّكَثَ فَإِنَّمَا يَنكُثُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ وَمَنْ أَوْفَى بِمَا عَاهَدَ عَلَيْهُ اللَّهَ فَسَيُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا.

(اے حبیب!) بیشک جو لوگ آپ سے بیعت کرتے ہیں وہ اﷲ ہی سے بیعت کرتے ہیں، ان کے ہاتھوں پر (آپ کے ہاتھ کی صورت میں) اﷲ کا ہاتھ ہے۔ پھر جس شخص نے بیعت کو توڑا تو اس کے توڑنے کا وبال اس کی اپنی جان پر ہوگا اور جس نے (اس) بات کو پورا کیا جس (کے پورا کرنے) پر اس نے اﷲ سے عہد کیا تھا تو وہ عنقریب اسے بہت بڑا اجر عطا فرمائے گاo

Those who swear allegiance to you, swear allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands; so who-so ever breaks his oath, he breaks it to his own loss, and whosoever fulfils the covenant which he had made with Allah, then Allah shall soon give him a great Reward.

So we also got evidence from Quran.

Now I’ll explain this hadith-e-Qudsi with another more simpler example:

Some people got influenced with Jinnat, logon per jin cherh jata hai, and this is a reality, which is proved from Quran. So when somebody got affected or controlled by a jin, then hands are still of that person, tongue is still same, but when he speak people who are watching say Jin is speaking.

So is that man become a Jin ? or a Jin become a man ? No! neither man become Jin nor Jin is converted in to human, Man is still man, Jin is still Jin, na Jin insaan bana na insaan jin bana but what happens ? huwa ye kay Jin nay insaan ki properties or qualities ko block kerdia, and apni properties or qualities ko enforce kerdia, ab insaan ka dekhna Jin ka dekhna hai, Insaan ka bolna jin ka bolna hai. Insan insan he hai, mager Jin ki qualities or properties ka zahor insaan say ho raha hai.

So a Jin which is just a creation of Allah, jin has so power to takeover human then who can imagine the power of Allah ?... JIN jo ALLAH ki ek creature hai us kay aser or ghalib ajanay ka ye haal hain tou khalik jo ALLAH hai us kay aser or ghalbay ka kia haal hoga ? kay ALLAH tallah un kay bashiri osaaf qualities ko malghoob ker kay apni qualities ghalib kerdayta hai.

That is why we say tht seeing of that person is from vision of Allah, hearing of that person is from hearing power of Allah and helping through their hands is helping of Allah. They do not become Allah but from them Qualities and Allah’s powers becomes appearing.

Now answer to the questions and objections that how these Believers the friends of Allah (Auliya-Allah) help from grave ? how can they listen from far distance ? how can they see so long ?... are crystal clear.

--Their vision is Allah’s vision, so is there anything hidden from Allah’s vision ?
--Their hearing is Allah’s Hearing, so that is why they can hear anyone who call them for help.
--Their helping and power is Allah’s help and power.

So that is why we say and believe that these friends of Allah can help according to verse Maida:55. And our believe is all from Quran and Authentic Hadiths it is not fake and self made, those who think like it they might have miss understandings and confusions, because they use their own mind and sense infront of Quran and Hadith, they never try to see what Quran and Hadith are telling us.

Or they miss interpret some hadiths and verses, and make false believe which results in contradiction in Quran and Sunnah.

Objection : Some people will raise this objection so I am answering it in advance. They say that they have these powers when they were here in this world, now they have passed away so they can’t listen help.

This objection is extremely illogical, baseless and senseless and shows the low standard of knowledge of those who raise such objections.

Now to answer this, it is already proved from Quran and Ahadiths from Bukhari that after passing this world powers of listening seeing hearing increases rather getting decrease. Even a Kafir can listen more after his dead. and this is Proven from hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim.

Allah and His Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) knows the Best




1.) He has the Quality of 'Badaa'.
2.) This means he forgets.
3.) He makes mistakes.
4.) He plans but this does not take effect.
5.) He does not know who to appoint as the next message conveyor, the next Imaam.
6.) "We (shias) do not worship such a god who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan."
7.) Ali is the first and He is the last. He is the manifest and Ali the hidden and Ali is the heir of earth."
8.) Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allah,
9.) The eyes of Allah among his creation.
10.) The tongue of Allah among his creation.

References :
(1.) Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed.( 2.) Ibid (3.) Ibid .(4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni.. (7.) Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print. (8.) Usul- e-Kaafi -83. (9.) Ibid. 10.) Ibid.


1.) Laa ilaaha illaahu Muhammadur Rasulullaah -Alli waliyullah, Khomeni Hujjatulillaah
2.) Laa Illaaha Muhammdur - Rasulullah, Ali waliyullah wazi Rasulullah was Khalifauhu bila Faslein"
3.) Shia 'Islaam' based on 5 pillars - Salaat, Zakaat, Fasting, Hajj, Wilaayat.
4.) Azaan is "Ash Hadu Anna - alian Waliullah Wasu Rasulullah was Khalifatu hu bila faslrin"

(1.) Wahdat Islaami - June 84 P1- monthly Iranian Goverment. Periodical. (2.) Ali Waliullah - Abdul Kareem Mushtaq. (3.) Usul- Kafi. 4.) Listen in Arafaat.


1.) They believe in 12 Imaams after Rasulullaah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam).
2.) First being Ali (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho).
3.) Last being the 12th Imaam
4.) Who is in a Cave 'Surra - Man- Raa'.
5.) Imaams they believe are Masoom- innocent.
6.) They can make Halaal- Haraam and Haraam - Halaal .
7.) They can change Deen - Sharia.
8.) They are born of their mothers thighs.
9.) They say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa including our Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam).
10.) No concession regarding Wilaayah (absolute necessary belief).
11.) If one does not accept Imaams then one is a Kaafir.

(1.) Usul -e - Kafi. (2.) Usul -e - Kafi. (3.) Usul -e - Kafi. (4.) Usul -e - Kafi. (5.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225 / Kafi - Kitaabul Hujjuah. (6.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid /Haqqul Yaqeen P126.(9.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (10.) Ibid / Al Hukumatul - Islaamiyaa - 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. Footnote. (11.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 2. P278. (12.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 1. P225.


1.) When he comes he will bring the original Quraan.
2.) He is in hiding, in a cave.
3.) He is alive observing the world, in totallity.
4.) When he comes, he will be naked. Rasulullaah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) will swear Allegiance to him. (Allaah protect us).
5.) He will first dig the grave of Abu Bakr (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Umar (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), then hang them on a stake - for all sins of mankind.
6.) He will remove the body of Ayesha (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and implement the same punished for Zina.
7.) He will then kill the Sunni Scholars.
8.) Punish the Muslim Ummuah.
9.) First kill Ahle - Sunnah, then Ulama, then Kuffar.

(1.) Usul-e- Kafi. (2.) Islaamic Goverment P42/ Usul -e- Kafi P340. (3.) Hukumatal Islaamia -P52. (4.) Haqqul Yaqeen 2/227- 2/347. (5.) Haqqul Yaqeen P 361/2. (6.) Also Vol 2 P 611/ Haqqul Yaqeen - P 347/ Mullah Baqir Majlisi. (7.) Furoo Kafi - Kitaabul Raudah - P 527 also Tafseer Majmanul Bayan/ Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611. (8.) Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611.( 9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol 2. P 527 ASlo Maj Manul Bayaan.


1.) Not Completed.
2.) Has 17,000 Aayats.
3.) Our's has 6,666.
4.) Abu Bakr's opposed the text of the Quraan.
5.) Original Quraan with 12th Imaam Mahdi.
6.) Do not produce Haafiz.
7.) Do not perform Taraweeh.
8.) Quraan will be read/ learnt when 12th Imaam brings it.
9.) Ali (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) showd original Quraan to Sahabah(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) who rejected it.
10.) Passages mentioning virtures of Ali(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) has been purposefully deleted from the Quraan.
11.) There are 2,000 shiah traditions making many additions and subtractions in Quraan.
12.) The 'Murtaddeen'- renegrades have removed the name of Ali(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho).

(1.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tibarsi approved by Khomeni in ' Al- Hukumaat -ul- Islamiyaa". (2.) Usul Kafi P671. (3.) Usul Kafi P671. (4.) Kashful Asraar P111.(5.) Usul Kafi 2-632. (6.) See Iran. (7.) See Iran. (8.) Usul Kafi - p622. (9.) Maqbool - 1067 - Usul Kafi Vol1 P228. (10.)Tafseer Ali Qummi-308 /Usul Kafi 1:416/Footnotes of Maqbool's translation 637/ Al- Ihtijaj- Tabarsi- 1-254/ Tafseer of Saafi- 1- 32/ Muqaddamah 6 , from Tafseer Saafi P32 Vol -1. (11.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tabarsi.(12.) Surah Muhammad, Ayat 9, Para 26- Molvi Maqbool Dehli P1011.


1.) The believe in Taqiyya.
2.) This means 'Holy Deception'.
3.) To believe in something but express/ say something else.
4.) They say 9/10th of Deen is Taqiyya.
5.) They say, he who has no Taqiyya has no deen.
6.) There is a great reward in Lying.
7.) They say the great Imams Practised 'Taqiyya'.
8.) They say Alli (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Hassan (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho), Hussain(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
9.) They say Hussein (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
10.) Perorm Jamaah salaat with Sunni's in Taqiyya.
11.) Visit their sick in Taqiyya.
12.) Perform their Janazah Salaat in Taqiyya.

(1.) Usul -e- Kafi. (2.) Ibid. (3.) Ibid. (4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Ibid. (7.) Islaamic Goverment P35/ 133 .(8.) Ibid. (9.) Ibid. (10.) Usul -e- Kafi. (11.) Ibid.(12.) Ibid.


1.) They say all Sahabah (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) companions except 3 left Islaam after demise of Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam).
2.) They say Abu Bakr (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) Umar(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) and Uthmaan (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) robbed Ali(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) of his position of being Khalif.
3.) They say Umar(Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) was a 'Original Kaafir' and 'Zindiq'-renegrade.
4.) "Abu Huraira (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) was one of the fuquaha, but god knows what judement he falsified for Muaw'iyya and others like him, and what damage He inflicted upon Islam."
5.) They say Abu Huraira (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) used to fabricate Ahadith.
6.) They say Muawiyya (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) poisoined Hassan (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho).
7.) They say Muawiya (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) was a tyrant opressive ruler.
8.) They say Qazi Shurray (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) used to issue judicial pronouncement in favour of the ruling party. He was a sinful wretch occupying position of Judge.
9.) One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Harid, Umm- al- Hakam.
10.) One should curse the above after each prayer.
11.) Pharoah and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Umar.
12.) Faathima should complain about Ali's big stomach, no wealth and bad features.
13.) Abu Bakr and Umar are Kaafirs
14.) Abu Bakr is calf on Bani Israel.
15.) Ali is a mosquito and a fly.
16.) What did the Zuleikha of Makkah, Bibi Ayesha have, that the 50 year old Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) got moved to her.
17.) Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) accepted (in marriage) an uncouth person such as Hafsa. Not withsatanding the fact that she was a widow and facially deformed.
18.) Imaan refers to Ameerul- Mu'mineen- Alli and Kufr refers to Abu Bakr fisq (weakness) refers To Umar Esyaan(disobedient) Uthmaan in Surah Hujuraat.
19.) Umar is an illegeitimate child.
20.) Abu Bakr and Umar are worse than Shaithaan and they are dwellers of Jahannam.
21.) When I entre Makkah and Madinah as the conqueror, my first duty will be to go to the grave of Huzoor (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) and exhume the bodies of the two idols.
22.) We shia's know the three Sahabah's (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan) as being void of Imaan

(1.) Anwaar - No'maan Niyyah - P245. Vol 2. Nimatullah Jafaari./ Furu Kafi, Kitaabul Raudah :15 - Mullah Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini Vol 3 P115/ Usul -e-Kafi Vol 2, P 246 Rijaal Kashsi P504. (2.) Al- Ihtijaaj - Tibrasi 83, 84./Haqqul Yaqeen, P 157. (3.) Haqqul Yaqeen , 551/Kashful Asraar P119. (4.) P 143 - Islam goverment. (5.) Islaamic Goverment (6.) Al-Anwaar un Nomaniyyah - Vol 2. P88-87 Jazaari.(7.) Ibid. (8.) P81, Isl/ gov. (9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol. 2 P519/ Furru Kaafi P342 Vol 3/ Jilaa - ul- Uyoom -P45 - 46/ Hayaatul Quluub P 375. (10.) Ainul Hayaa P559. (11.) Haqqul Yaqeen P342. (12.) Mullah Baqir - Jilal Uyoon- 58 Chapter on Faathima.(13.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P552. (14.) Haqqul Yaqeen - Tafseer Qummi P160. (15.) Tafseer Qummi P29. (16.) Haqeeat Fiqh Hanafi P64 /Ghulaam Hussain Naqui.(17.) Ibid P124.(18.) Usul-e- Kafi P229. Vol 2.(19.) Tazkiratul Aimma - P103-4.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P509 - 510.(21.) Kitaab be Noujawanaan - P8.( 22.) Tajalliyaar-e-Sadaqaat - P201- Muhammed Hussain Dhelvi.

MUT'A (Temporary Marriage)

1.) "It is disliked but permissable to have Mutah with a prostitute, especially ( it will be more enjoyable) if she is famous for her prostitution."
2.) One time 'Muta' reward is Jannat.
3.) When the couple sit in Solitude, angels protect them.
4.) Their Speech is Tasbeeh .
5.) When they touch hands, sins fall from their fingers.
6.) When they Kiss, reward of Hajj and Umrah for both.
7.) On bathing - every drop from each hair brings reward of 10 Thawabs, 10 sins drop, stages raised by 10 fold.
8.) From every drop of water, angels created to make Tasbeeh till Qiyaamat.
9.) 'Muta' with believing women is like 70 times journey to Ka'aba.
10.) Contractors of 'Muta' will cross the 'Pul Siraat' like a flash of lightning.
11.) After making muta Once - The stage of Hussain is reached. After making muta twice - The stage of Hasan is reached. After making muta thrice- The stage of Ali is reached. After making Muta Fourth- The satge of Rasulullaah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) is reached

(1.) Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2 P292. (2.) Ujul - e- Hasana P15. (4.) Ibid.( 5.) Ibid.( 6.) Ibid. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid. (9.) Ujul - e- Hasana P16.(10.) Ujul - e- Hasana P17. (11.) Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen 1:356.

1.) They have their own Quraan.
2.) They have their own Ahadith Books (Usul-e-Kafi) etc.
3.) They do not believe in our Ahadith Kitaabs- Bukhari etc.
4.) They have their own Fiqh, Fiqh - Jafari.
5.) They have their own concept about Allaah.
6.) They believe that Imaams get 'Wahy' Divine Revelation.
7.) Their Aqaaid, Salaat, Azaan, Hajj, Fiqh is different.
8.) The concept of Ambiyaa (Alaihis Salam) is different (they failed).
9.) Their concept of Sahaabah (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) is different.
10.) They Practice 'Muta' (Temporary Marriages) .
11.) Terms of Sehri and Iftaar are different.
12.) Ghusl for the dead is different.
13.) 4 Imaams are dogs.
14.) Ummah like Swine's.
15.) Ayesha and Hafsa are both Hypocrites
16.) Ayesha and Hafsa - Poisoned Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) before his death.
17.) May Allaah curse them (Ayesha/Hafsa) and their fathers (Abu Bakr and Umar).
18.) Their religion of the state of Iran is Islaam and Jafaari, Ithna Ashaari. This basis is forever, and it is not open to any amendment nor abrogation.
19.) Everybody, exept us Shites are illegitimate.
20.) It is true that Allaah has not created anything more despicable than dogs.
22.) But the Ahlus Sunnah are even more despicable than dogs in the eyes of Allah.
23.) People of Makkah openly refute existence of Allaah.
24.) People of Madinah 70 times more unclean and polluted than people of Makkah.

(1.) Usul-e-Kafi .( 6.) Usul -e-Kafi .(7.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P278/ Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol 1 P280.(8.) Ijtihaad - wa- yak- jihati- Khomeni -15/ Islaamic Goverment P37/ Tehtan Times 29 June 1980/ Knomeni Imaam Mahdi Celebration. (11.) Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol.(12.) Ibid. (13.) Tazkiratul Aimma P102- Baqir majlasi.(14.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P337.(15.) Hayatul Qutub - 2:745- M.B.Majlis.(16.) Maqbool Dehlavi - Imaam Baqir- Surah Ali Imraan : 134.(17.) Ibid.(18.) Constitution . (19.) Furoo - Kafi in Kitaabul Raudah - 135/245.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen 521.(21.) Ibid 2/516. (22.) Ibid 2/516/ Ilaalus Sharaa P299 - Shaykh Saduuq. Usul-e-Kafi P410 Vol 2.( 23.) Ibid.


1.) Most dirty and polluted left over water is that of a sunni.
2.) Not permissable to marry sunni because they are Kaafir.
3.) Cannot eat animal slaughtered by sunni.
4.) Sunnis created from soul of Jahannam.
5.) Shia's created from soul of Jannat.

(1.) "Manlaa Yahuruldul Faqiah" - Vol 1. P8.( 2.) Tahdhidul Akaam/ Ibid Vol 3 P258. (3.) Ibid.( 4.) Usul - e- Kafi. (5.) Ibid.


1.) Folding right hand on left hend in Salaat breaks Salaat.
2.) *** in one's wifes anus permissible.
3.) The 9th act which breaks Salaat is saying of 'Aameen' intentionally after Sura Faatiha. But this, too, is Permissible under Taqaiyyah.

(1.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah. (2.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah- Vol.1 P280. (3.) Ibid.

Fataawa of Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) and Our Action

There is a specific Hadith about Rawafidh: "A sect is going to emerge who will be known by a bad connotation. They will be called Rafida. They will come neither on Friday nor in the congregational prayers. They will vilify the first generation (of Ummah). You should neither keep their company nor dine with them, nor have matrimonial relationship with them. If they fall ill do not go to greet them and if they die do not participate in their funeral prayers."


1.) Shia's because of their (peculiar) beliefs are not true muslims and doing Kufr. Hence Islaamic bonds like :-
2.) Marriage with them ;
3.) Using their Zabiah (Slaughter) ;
4.) Saying the funeral prayer of their dead ones;
5.) Allowing them to participate in the funeral prayer of Sunni Muslims;
6.) Making them shares in Qurbani i.e. sacrificial animals on Eid al-Adha ;
7.) Making them witness in the Nikah of Sunni Muslims;
8.) Accepting their monetary contributions for the building of Masjid -------